Monday, March 14, 2016


The word Sobriety means the “state of being sober” is what we’ve been taught. But what  would happen if we were to broaden our minds out of that small box? To a different concept in space with time and see that “Sobriety” has more than one meaning defining several human emotional feelings. And yes, today is that day Angel L is writing from a deeper place. Where peace, joy, sorrow and pain agree to disagree on who will defeat.  

There comes a time in every human beings life where substitutions for people contribute to enhance or devalue you is what denial will take you through.

There comes a time in our lives where we “Substitute” people to settle with what we choose not to deal with, in our own heads. So when someone says I’m at a better place in my “Sobriety” it simply means; they have found a focus in their lives with a leveled head space to conquer what has kept them down and blue in things and people they struggle to remove.

Life has a meticulous way of showing people how we really are the same. Where people think they have cheated Sobriety, in every culture, race and age.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...