Thursday, May 12, 2016

Sandwich Generation "game changer"

In this passage there are no charts, get rich offers, investment plan options, Wall Street gargle and Global reports. In this passage it is for all of humanity. That requires more attention and lesser ego when it comes to harvesting your individual monies. And who is waiting to accept the interest out of it.  

I’m well aware there are two classes of people in the world. And most us would like to believe we’re doing better than the rest of the world. As long as we can manage to keep up with; what is attached to our “Benjamin’s”. But not every human being has paid close attention to certain types of investors. The conservatives, moderate and high risk. And those who seek outsourced information from insider observations.

Today pick your class of shares. And in plain English it means for people to “pay closer attention” in financially and burial planning of your investments. Because making money is not complex, it’s trying to find a consistent resource out of it. So when a creditor extends you a line of credit pay closer to the fine print. Before you proceed in exhausting it on 30 years of mortgages and vacation homes, 5 to 7 years of higher car interest rates, leases on items that are only utilized when the sky’s or not blue. Or maybe you’re working to keep up with all your investments verses incoming revenue. Then every time a family member, children or friend calls with the same financial request. You will not hesitate to ask if the both of you could make the time to sit and chat regarding where you are placing this cash but never seeing a return.

This is serious in a generation where the average person does not have enough cash to survive a crisis. But some average rich person will invest more in their child’s troubled choices.  

In a single family household it’s complicated to get ahead. The pay is averaged if not less to keep up with rising inflation. And yes, there will always be sacrifices ahead regardless if you’re rich or poor. Because not everyone is willing to make a sacrifice in having lesser than more in this life. So the statistics may have a point in the reasoning to why they say children make up the worlds poverty in this life. And for every second of the day another child is born into a world where people either plan financially. Or not complete a high school or college degree. And what 's even more troubling people remain unmarried. 

Young adults continue in enjoying your life. But remember responsibilities will force you to pay the price. And one day when mommy and daddy are not around you will be misguided in your investments. By people who will not seek your best interest.  

The sandwich generation is the game changer. A mixture  breed of young and old. Where one generation lacks the interest of taking financial responsibility leaving others to accountability. So why have we not figured out how to live under one roof but instead we unload our responsibilities on others of financial securities. And know this message may never apply to you. But check down the line and figure out who is connect to whom. And rationing out or making space to accommodate all of the choices people continue to make whether it's emotionally and or financially.

Money did not make the choices in our right or wrongs. Humanity invested in “things” and “people” who would continue our legacy of financial stability or instability.   
I have lived a life of many struggles. I get it "time will make us accept that our children will outgrow our laps". I have seen the troubles brought into existence by humanities, choices. I have seen rewards at the same time I have witnessed it being taken for granted in life. I know hard work and still lack in provision due to assisting other people in their financial choices. I have experienced access and I've had it taken back. I have been challenged in knowledge but not taken for granted, because I sought out answers.  

We live in this sandwich generation and for most of us; we don’t realize how it has already affected us in every culture. Therefore "segregation" is no longer limited to just color. It's broader focus is seeing the “haves” or “have not” segregated into a net to catch people up in. Who do not wish to seek more of education.   


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...