Monday, January 18, 2016

Martin Luther King Jan. 15, 1929-Apr. 4, 1968

We pay homage to a great a man who embraced an entire nation with an abundance of patience, passion and persistence. One who fought against “bondage” which is not a choice in any controlled environment and if you look closer into who held the front line you will find some women and men of Ivory descent who also took the water hose and beatings with sticks for taking a united stand to end “a prejudice system”.  

Let all nations remember the purpose for the dream and who fought for freedom and peace so that men of all nations would find equality. One day a mother gave birth to a child who had a dream but who would have known this seed that grew inside of her wound would change the way we see and live in humanity. Let all nations not forget Freedom Land.

"A man can't ride your back unless it is BENT".
-Dr. Martin Luther King

Colored folks wanted a better life in the midst of master’s thoughts and rations. Colored folks became the owner’s property and worked under controlled observation. And in the midst of our tortured history we look back to remember the African American struggles throughout American History to change the face and systems in a nation of controlled slavery, from existing in our current legacy.

“I have seasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.
-Harriet Tubman

 “Green Flake, Hark Lay and Oscar Crosby the first slaves honored in Utah were colored servants the original pioneers of 1847”.

Education was streamlined against the slaves to see what they could learn and children were segregated due to the color of their skin. And because of Black History we pay honor to Booker T. Washington the founder of Tuskegee University.

On one ride Rosa Parks was a voice in prejudice times to teach throughout history how to respect one another black or white to a non prejudice bus ride.

African America History embraces it's heritage not just because of its brutal past that made courage and strength in places to not ever again be broken in this free land. The slaves in return contributed a legacy of blackness for all nations to learn from: leadership, dancers, actors and actresses, educators, musicians, pilots, writers, innovators, visionaries, doctors, lawyers and civil rights activist that will not lose its place in American History’s legacy because of a resilient people and a leader to whom we forever will pay Homage to. In a continuing fight of living the dream initiated Dr. Martin Luther King. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...