Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Starting Over

Every now and then that old saying “whatever is meant to be, will be” comes to a reality. And no one knows when, it just happens. So when that person comes or opportunity calls out of the blue just remember to focus on “this is where I am now, this is where we have another chance to become one. And let’s not focus on where you have been or why things did not work out, from that past relationship.   

I truly feel that the understanding of love sometimes is overrated. Why, because we should utilize more our time to figure out what is going in us, that may tarnish things from working out with someone else.

Every person in the world will deal with “times” that require transitions. But not every person will adjust accordingly. In accepting what they refuse to believe “change is something we desperately need”.

I truly feel sometimes that a delay is not always a denial. And the reason why is there are times when we’re not fully prepared to handle opportunities that require our immediate attention and commitment.

So how do you feel regarding a life filled with possibilities, and how will you stand in the rain through hard times until the sun shines? Because I truly believe that storms come in our lives to see how long we will stand or find shelter to survive.

Double Standards

Sometimes people forget to “observe” what maybe a misconception of what they assume it is. And what I mean is a picture is worth a thousand words. A book is the writers view in a story line. A test is what someone says theirs is. Age is how you wear it. Not what someone says you should adjust to revert back to being young. The truth is what you say it is. And a lie is always justified.

What makes people think that their plans are in your best interest? And if you fail to set boundaries, you will follow and never lead.

What is the problem in needing help once in a blue moon? Without being judged, by the people who always hold out their hands or seek some form of intimate attention?

Why do people continue to find a way to dissolve of you? And what I mean is either you’re a factor or singled out, simply because you selected “to tune them out”.

Who said in marriages or having a boyfriend and girlfriend you will love the right people overtime. When we choose what we want and not what we need “half of the time”.

What do you see in observation or what maybe a misconception.  Do you see a plan or do you assume, it is what you think is or not the truth. If you saw a person dressed but revealing there assets to fit their own personality. Who is to say they need to change? Especially if people continue to encourage them in wearing the same things.

What is the misconception in thinking someone does not have enough money, clothes, jewelry, friends and connections. Did you think into their situation or did you prey on lack of preservation.

Why is any job layoff systematically top secret, where people feel the greed in it?

Why do people assume “investments” are in things that lose value over time, and judge other people through credit scores and closed doors? Maybe those people made an investment in other priorities that was not in your interest.

Who instructed one human being, to manipulate another human being to take from them whatever they wanted not need. And what I mean is maybe the world should be a better place, but not until we act as if we care about living, and not existing in it.  

The point made in this passage is; some people go out of their way to prove how they are above you and feel beneath you in all of humanity. But yet swear “I got too much going on to care”.



Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...