Monday, March 14, 2016


The word Sobriety means the “state of being sober” is what we’ve been taught. But what  would happen if we were to broaden our minds out of that small box? To a different concept in space with time and see that “Sobriety” has more than one meaning defining several human emotional feelings. And yes, today is that day Angel L is writing from a deeper place. Where peace, joy, sorrow and pain agree to disagree on who will defeat.  

There comes a time in every human beings life where substitutions for people contribute to enhance or devalue you is what denial will take you through.

There comes a time in our lives where we “Substitute” people to settle with what we choose not to deal with, in our own heads. So when someone says I’m at a better place in my “Sobriety” it simply means; they have found a focus in their lives with a leveled head space to conquer what has kept them down and blue in things and people they struggle to remove.

Life has a meticulous way of showing people how we really are the same. Where people think they have cheated Sobriety, in every culture, race and age.


One incorrect ingredient to any type of relationship, could have years of an effect on how an individual person will react, to all circumstances. Somewhat to age where we call it “set in our ways” and what that means is we’re “resistant” to change even if it “requires”  change.

One thing I have learned in this life is “never say never” when it comes to change. Because you will never know what is destined to move you in “how you think and what you will have to adjust too.  

It’s imperative we are associated with things that are conducive in our lives. And not just some of the time or with people we invest our lives; family, business acquaintances, new and old friends. It’s imperative we mold these relationships so that boundaries are not crossed, and people understand where they cannot “run” but “walk”. It’s crucial we “respect” and “communicate” with one another in a civil way so that we are not “misunderstood” in what we are attempting to say. It’s logical we grasp a hold onto how we feel about ourselves. In order to avoid breaking “one another’s heart” and arrogantly proceeding as if we’re “repairing someone else”.   

It’s not funny to watch people struggle in the same areas of life. But swear it’s not me. And at some point in your life who really has control, of what you continue to do, that has a strong hold on you. It is imperative we forgive. It did not say we were obligated to entertaining it.

It is imperative we understand how “excuses are not always a pass to justify” this is what my family did to me in my life. Remember as a child you did certain things, but when you became that adult it required change.  

This may not apply to all generations of the masses. But we are not really separated by what man say is the classes of society. And the reason is clear to see. That on any given day we are either “receptive or reluctant” to change.

If any man mocks another person's infirmities remember payback is necessary. It takes one person to brainstorm a foolish plan, and an army to implement it. So the real episodes that occur in our daily lives stems from whatever you or people think; is required of your patience for nothing but satisfaction.


I celebrated another year on yesterday. Woke up feeling great with my mother standing over me, to wish me “Happy Birthday” and within seconds got a call from the man I raised from a boy, who was inches away, that “surprised me with “I love you mom, Happy Birthday”. So immediately I took this opportunity to grab the family on one accord in unity. As we prayed to God, too keep this family strong and in love for years to come. And no this was not a resolution to an immediate repair, just my B-day option because I still care. Above all the gifts and phone calls knowing that I really have it all. So I guess that’s why living life matured me for not thinking twice in areas of my life. Where people judged my time,  and for some they did not value of theirs, what I have in mine.

On March 13, 2016 I celebrated another milestone in my life. But instead of planning and waiting on who was thinking about me. I chose to give praise unto  God for the little things. 

I thank you lord for my inner peace, inner joy and my desire to sacrifice in this place of my life. 

I thank you lord for my aches and pains and sometimes for no reasons on any given day.

I thank you lord for change in my youth & immature ways, is when you did not turn me away.

I thank you lord for giving me patience in my heartbreaks. I thank you lord for my disappointments and what seemed like at times "no breaks" is why I pray, and move forward anyway. 

I thank God for those impatient friends who chose to surrender patience for not having enough of understanding, about the plans I knew you had for me. 

I thank you lord for this gift to "write" The Days Of Our Lives". 

I thank you lord for my single life, until you decided he was fit for 'our lives'. And most of all thank you lord for the greatest birthday gift only a God would give in these questionable times, we live. 

Thank you for the fruits I bear; a mother who lives, my siblings I dearly love, even though I give tough love. And the gift of life, knowing that we only live once and die twice. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...