Monday, May 9, 2016


Originally I intended this passage to be about the woman and her treasured worth. So instead I’ll collaborate on more than one life topic while I place a spotlight on some of this woman’s characteristics, but before I continue with no pun intended to our transgender men and women. I will resume today in speaking to humanity about the woman who has consumed years of tears & fears, broken and abandonment, domestic abuse & incest performed by her own sex, then next a man's forced penetration. Only to be later attacked with humiliation for fighting back. This woman is a leader and strong therefore she can on stand on her own. But preferably she desires to not be alone right now in humanity that has changed all the rules where “double standards” no longer exist in male and female opposites. Why, due to the choices humanity has made so our laws changed to accommodate certain request but not in areas where there has been generations of suppression.

To all of humanism who possesses breathe and transitioning among men and women. Where on one hand were confused about our differences; equality, race, sex and of course religion. And we're quick to swear well be fine all by ourselves, but not until all men and women figure out that quick and easy is not always the way out. And yes it does matter if she slept with a friend. But why do you continue in asking for a threesome. Loneliness will drive a sane man or woman to the edge. Separation will wedge generations while waiting around for one another to figure it out; why is it so hard and long for better days to come.

In a rare situation some people are unfamiliar with; what and who is causing the conflict. In an ordinary affair people are well aware of; the tension that other people keep stirring up in the air. And by now some of my readers have figured out what these Angel L. passages have been all about. As others observing remain in doubt about someone else or themselves. And what the hell or whom is this writing about. See how being lost and bruised in the same places leaves you RAW for life, allowing temptations to rule our lives. 

A young adult ask me what “Humanism is I responded with it is real people and how we live here on earth together as men and women, created from one pattern. Giving into one another through submission, taking one another for granted or enabling each other in our dispositions. And by no way am I implying that all people are lost but some have found out; what is actually occurring live, right now. Which is humanity acting as if they don't care, people roaming around in space if not grasping for fresh air.

There are women who do love hard with all due respect. There are women who will put their hearts at stake for certain types of men; seeking all direction and shelter from a follower who has no ambition in this life. So often it comes down to thinking all women are miserable without a man, or in this new day another woman on her side or in her bed. We should probably think again. It’s because of her heartaches and disappointments that does not make a woman or girl weak. In actuality there are people in all ages of this life who are dealing with some type of low esteem, abandonment and vulnerability. So when a male of any age decides to co-mingle with a female of any age in any type of relationship, there will be always choices made and consequences to deal with. Why, because people are the cause and effect in one another’s positive or negative relationship. So don’t always assume a raw womb is the result of a physical relationship. What's occurring right now gets deeper than that. It is how people of all colors mentally interact and communicate with little or no respect. 

Men and boys of all cultures around the world. When it comes to a female she is not hard to understand in any type of relationship. All she wants is to feel safe and protected just like you want to feel appreciated, and encouraged. So once you the man is willingly to open up your hands; this woman can finally fall back, knowing you have her all of her best interest. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...