Tuesday, July 5, 2016

People Purge

For every experience in love there is a "process" of challenges tagged to it and who we fall in and out of love with. And so many people will never admit "I've been in and out of love" more than I've enjoyed it. But maybe we just need to figure out that love is never about "one's self". Love warns us of our enemies; disrespect, selfishness, refusal of our obligations, laziness to change with deceit, spiritual misguidance and emotional negligence and what about the "old cliché" of voicing "I have options". Love is seductive, natural and educating but not absoluteness. Love is an emotion that stimulates all conscious way of thinking. Love is positively controlling and reminds us in every minute of the day "of how you need me" is the reasoning to why we of all colors can't stop fantasizing about it in our lives, because love is all the functioning components of a thinking mind, moving body and yearning soul that repeatedly proves why we're so emotional. Love has a way of revealing our hidden things. And forcing out of us to share truth in what we had no reasoning to. Love has tamed all races of man for generations of all ages. And if we have not managed to somehow show so much of our asses by disrespecting the power of it, then some of us have found the respect in finding out the reasoning to understanding why being in "LOVE" is uncensored with no prejudice and limitations.  

Today our prayers go out to the Sterling and Philando Castilles family. In the midst of losing two more black men to a system that monitors black lives. But what's even more confusing is the mentality of who will be judged strategically if not temporarily placed on "administrative leave". In a country that people swear is non-prejudice. But for a black life this system covers up "lynchings" with background checks and warrants if not arrest. Because validating politics is referenced back to economics and environment. But this is what happens when the color of our skin; reveals the real emotions.       

One day love spoke to HUMANITY but we we're not listening when it shared "while you were wondering around in the dark looking for me "love". I was the light you were walking in and chose to not see". So what I've learned is how to relate in love from a more mature mental, spiritual and physical capacity. Why, because not every person in this human race "will" or is "looking" to reciprocate and receive a loving form of gratification

Just because a person is born with disabilities; it does not mean they can't "feel and see"

Just because I got love for you; it does not mean that I'm in love with you and willing to respect what you're willing to prove. 

Just because we love and or pleasure, hide who we really are. Or perform above high expectations in our "sexual" innuendo's inside and outside of marriages and relationships, if not one time experimental hits; it does not mean someone or many will not pay for this rebellion of ways and extra insanity. And no offense to the talk show host who did not share the reality where our children, love ones and people we idolize to mate are not exempt from detouring into opposite places because some of us are struggling in facing our choices that have been made without asking Gods direction before we proceeded in pleasuring our immature natures.  

Just because in God we Trust; it does not mean that is the truthful belief of all in humanity

Just because people share their opinions and strong views; it does not mean people will never "agree or disagree" moving forward towards any type of transitioning concerning change. That affects "all nations of human beings". Are maybe we as a people honestly believe and accept that people are the real product of any "open, private and closed" environment. And if so then who really is "right and wrong, free or controlled, of sound mind are unstable" in spaces we write many rules, consume and assume, breed and birth past and this present generation of men and women. And we must be honest about the past where our people we did not have "to lean on" what we presently have. 

Just because we love our children, spouses and family; it does not mean that unbroken cycles will not suddenly challenge our faith. Where patience turns into more heartache and to many disappointments will push someone to walk away if the family does not pray, collectively on one page. 

Just because we vowed "I do"; it does not mean one day time will test what we may have or will go through. To see if real love is what we promised and made a vow to do.

Just because a leader loves to lead; it does not mean love conquers everything. Where people see struggle comes with change. 

Just because some of us have thicker skin; it does not mean we can't still learn from one another a different way of seeing things. 

Just because of the love I have for you. To promise I will ride or die for you; it does not necessarily mean that life will not bring a change of mind. That will test that loyalty.        

Just because I love you; it does not mean I will not challenge you in those moments you are weak. Why, because the reality is one day I will not be around to pick you up where people will run your ass straight into the ground.  
Just because people believe they are the truth; it does not mean you follow what you perceive of what you have yet to find out of your own understanding.  

The word Purgatory as we understand is "an intermediate state after physical death". But what happens before we reach the end of it. Theologically speaking and you don't have to believe what is not seen in this life. You don't have to change until time forces you to pick one side. But you will gain some focus and insight if love is the direction that will bring us out of darkness into the light 

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...