Wednesday, July 20, 2016

People and The Drama

According to the "drama" it does exist in all forms of human existence. Because people would love to rule out their own "bad habits and intensions" when it comes to dealing with other people and their emotions. So the question is when was the last time you engaged in the "drama voluntarily or through a "negative or positive verbal comment with shallow intensions" if not "a physical altercation". So what if it could possibly be that confrontation" is a part of how we choose to react in place of knowledge that we fear acceptance if not change and maturity in our understanding because time did allow us a moment to gather our thoughts and transition forward in order for people to resume life beyond the drama. And if your personality is mentally confident then you're the type of person who "executes are acknowledges the drama" once you see it coming, which is not related to a Black movement, just people who have a right to silently express their 1 amendment concerns written by; you fill in the blanks. And if you never comprehend that drama places boundaries on how we deal with "one another" in real life reality. Let's review the current debates between our Republicans and Democratic parties who really think they're divided in this "race". When in actuality it has become a "Hillary" if not "Obama" debate. Instead of resolutions and accountability of all the years any leader has ever promised the restructuring of the systems that continue to remain broken in this country. So who’s choice is it to be entertained about what has escalated with challening the change? And it's not because of Obama and Hillary, what about sexual freedom to disease progressing, younger and younger pregnacies, one working income unmarried families, or minimum wage in all progressing taxing countries. While there is uncontrolled spending and sometimes government assistance does or not exist. So the reasoning to why there is an increase of poverty; because people in all nations are really struggling. So this argument did not just began. This ripple affect started way back in every generation. Where men and women worked off the land to provide for their families and pay the tax man to keep temporary ownership of their lands, not just 40 acres and a mule given to the black people once slavery was removed. So the economic games is a straight strategy to keeping the working class "on edge, while dealing with  dramatic adveristy" and until those dramatic leaders place their asses flat down in a chair around the world with some real intentions of resolving the broken systems with some clear communications. We as a people will remain in the condition were in. Because of our world leaders in control of  balancing out the "budget and politics" over people who make up this world that live in these micromanaging systems. We love to debate mention but avoid explaining how and why this device has full control of all "access" to what  men "may borrow, earn if not denied to have". 

And if you have never taken one moment to think your opinion or vote. Then maybe you should reconsider what you're in and who's responsible for figuring it out. Because one day is now and people of all calibers are at the realization that drama does exist in this free country were all people of races that have been welcomed to live in. But it comes with rules and many conditions. And although money provides access remember credit is only a promise, to pay back. We have yet to manage what we incur of bad relationships and investments through our poverty thinking and racially motive actions.

I will share with you this if we as a people do not implement some real time to figure out; that drama is often used as a another person's way out.  And instead of feeling you have been made a fool of; because we are known to argue, disagree and judge with whatever proceeds out of our mouths. Then maybe the actions we project will not always come off that we suffer from internal issues we have not yet to deal with. When the reality is all and anytype of people 'act out" to either gain attention and support of what they need other people to believe in. Regardless if they know its some foolishness it allows their drama to continue. Simply because we look for answers but avoid in knowing how to ask the "accurate" questions. 

My rule of thumb is what I once ignored "was how to not get so involved, with sideway conversations, philosophically smart assess with gargled information, and people seeking attention with dramatic intensions. In a real world where all people if not some people have learned that not taking any accountability only leads up to a reality of facing full responsibilities. So it does not matter "who or what "color of people are involved, what titles we have earned and credibility that is rapidly lost. Once people are turned off is where some people just can't exist without the dramatics and attention. That validate some people in a strange way in how they have accomplished gaining a reputation.

So let's end the rants and rage, and focus on the drama instead:

In a generation that acts as if there is a limitation of concerns and commitment to one another, but more of an economical interest that involves living together. We have found ourselves unsheltered in an environment of "shacking". So you would think there should be little to no excuse to why men and women, or young people walk around with their heads hung low. If not searching the ground with their backs bent over in any culture. And let's not be misled that having money is an access but if you listen closely to why even the richest lose sleep at night.

In what is a reality of sandwiched generations where grandmothers or no longer reserve. They still hang out and date younger and twerk in the club, and appear on reality shows. And if not single and settled down they take pride in being called cougars. And no pun intended just make sure the young people you date have a plan already in motion. Because one day father time will test who will stick around and have your best interest.

In a generation where leadership is having the power to dictate who has or will take a number and wait. If there will be a cost of living increase for social security, oh maybe many have not read there may not be another increase for the next 1 to 3 years. What I'm saying is sometimes we must stick to locking the doors, reading what we think is not of relevance, understanding what is contributing to the increase of human statistics by paying more attention to what direction we are being stirred in. And how systems are keeping folks in a trans. 
And this is of importance but most of us are to caught up in our own relevance. To be made aware of that sexual tranmistted diseases that continue in progression. And just because you can't see all the faces it lies dormant in understand sexual perversion exist in all ages in every population. That people can't bear to greet one another with kindess. But they can agree on unprotected sex then later judge who increases the statistics.  

There is nothing that is not real of what has been shared in the dialogues of Angel L. But somehow we profusely believe we are not another person’s story. But the reality is we are the masters in the created drama we bring into existence. So allow peace in this human race to change the faces of how we love, but act as if we hate of one another. And if any human being "hates" may you find judgment in your own conscious space.  


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...