Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Final Cut

There will come a time in this life when you will be forced to cut people out of your life. Even the ones you love the most; that often hurt you even more. But not limited to the people you expected to have your back and more understanding. And what brought on this passage today is because some of us have lived to long in other people’s ‘redundancy, NEGATIVITY, sold dreams and captivity of repetition in doing the same old things. And today they will meet their Faith. At the Final Destination stage. 

It’s quit ok to remind some people that this is my life not yours. It’s ok to remind mom and dad that I’m going to continue to make mistakes, but until I mature in my choices you will be forced to allow me to bend not break. And we should not always assume one another is looking for random answers, sometimes we just need someone who is willing to patiently listen.  So maybe we can all if not both agree to disagree once we decide on how to sit down openly. To work through or modify the struggles we are all inevitable to go through with family, relationships, business deals or just taking time alone, to figure what are we continuously doing wrong,  especially where the “bread winner” has lesser, of what your use to of having more.  Is where we should limit our arrogant demands to gathering answers for our self- inflicted if not idealistic choices then turn around and curse the hand that is helping you gathering some understanding.  And if you think that you’re not affected by change look around the world it’s ongoing in all people and generations. Who struggle in a world of ongoing insanity and some people may not admit it. But it’s hard waking up to live. Why, because of the choices our leaders and people are making. Then turn around and judge your change to no longer do things the same old way.

I'll add this one in just because it's obvious that males and females will continue in mating or having promiscuous sex. Which means there is a possibility that not everyone has found the right person to love yet? If not finding true love with a person of interest who will care enough to stand with them through life situations. So therefore people continue in seeking to fill a void with no marital status or commitments. And that's the reason why Statistics say "there is an increased on the rise of unmarried cultures" in these times which has not fail to result in major situations where people are running low. So no, I did not make this up. We as people made a choice. And I'm not saying we are all at fault because there are still strong beliefs in the best interest of family with mutual understandings. But what I'm saying is this generation of children in all ages will either find or lose hope due to situations we place high expectations. So therefore we as a people depend on systems that later judge our dispositions.  And who suffers the most as "children all around the world” who grow up in an environment of "immature logic". And no money is enough to solve this madness, in whatever class you associate yourself with. So I'll leave you on this note to wonder why other people and family members are carrying the extreme load of someone else. Then maybe we can process where our elders are finding permanent rest. Leaving behind a generation commanded to lead us into a state of Parental Assistance. Just to fix this new generation of wandering children of all ages.     

I’ve matured in places my peers and family noticed, and strangers tested me. And maybe it could be they don’t accept the limitations and boundaries we possess and the power to set them in.  And if not we will learn the reasoning for our hardships. And I’m not saying I have all the answers and deal with every situation and people with patience.  What I’m saying is it did not take an ordinary person to write Angel passages based on Humanity in this life. We have to humble ourselves to make sense out of it. Before assuming we were authorize to step into God’s plans with our averaged minded thinking.

I’ve drifted through seasons where my mind went untouched. I’ve drifted through seasons of mismanaged financial investments; and either people did not want to or accept that having a plan of my own simply meant investing in what we would later need to raise our children, shelter our elders and find rest when the wages and taxes no longer made sense. Is when men and children of all nations would grow angrier because of their own internal fears, and hate of not accepting their lack of planning in what is occurring or has yet to happen “here, there and everywhere.  And yes, we do only live life once. So why is it we fuss and fight over who is wrong or right? Before men all nations come to terms with “the inability to patch things up again”. Just because of our attitudes of not having  plans. Where we were not mature enough to subdue or actions to find a balance in collective understandings. When all it required was to listen to one another’s concerns and explanations, not demands to take on repeated choices.  And I’ll share with you some tea that will keep you sipping on it with laughter for life; in this entire world we live in some people think that not one thing that points out there imperfections applies to them. It’s always someone else who lacks common sense in not identifying with it. But the reality is we all are in a situation because of ourselves or someone else’s demands, concerns or ongoing explanations.

I have been wealthy in my life more than a dozen of times. I have been poor in my life where I lacked the strength to say “no more” than half of the time. I have labored beyond the pay of what I was trained for to achieve in what someone else accomplished above their bottom lines not desperate basic needs. I have made sacrifices to broaden my education. I have borrowed to assist someone who did not plan for it, which left me to answer for it. I once thought love would change the love for money. Until I learned that selfishness has no plan, but to be buried with it. See I figured out; why all situations and people are not meant to be figured out. Just politely turn down their volumes if not “cutoff” whatever and whoever is causing the direct threat; to your own internal happiness.   


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...