Monday, November 28, 2016


It's not always the truth that is hardening to except.  It's the lies that are kept; silent. 

Therefore someone may disagree with my doctrine, but so many of us are living inside of it. Now let's begin with 
The Story of Abigail the witty and beautiful wife, Nabal the fool of a husband and David a man who chose what another man lost at his death & arrogance. Read the story for your own understanding. That people do marry & sacrifice for the people in whom they choose to love in this life. Romans: 25:20

Men have shared this statement over & over again; women never share with a man what you should be giving to your husbands. But who is sharing with our men how to stop allowing their “penis” to make a slave out of them. So the truth is our reality. Men please take note of how every woman does not require "instructions". And woman please understand every man is not impressed with a new piece of "azz" it's the diamonds in our heads they respect.

So were now in a new day, and tomorrow we will live on another page made up of our choices in history. And what type of young men are properly being taught by the old ones to love a young, older or youthful woman. And what class of women will be around to educate our younger ladies in a world that will leave everyone upside down. Then who will be prepared to raise up more than the children we already have; that are wondering & scared. And know I’m not perfect or judging anyone. We, Us, Them make up One. "This New Generation" of little discipline. Where there are more mommies than daddy’s to help raise children. Grown men are lusting after their son’s girlfriends & younger asses. Daughters & woman are creeping throughout the night with someone’s husband, father or wife. Grown men have yet to figure out why a mature woman requires stability & communication where some men hold no accountability of engaging with any physical temptation. So how is it we can find some mental logic in this "sexual interaction through-push pound conversations" "three way engagements", buttock hole penetration “call it pegging for those of you who did not know” how people are out of control. So don't be surprised to wake up and think you are lonely. There are so many reasons why you have sense enough to re-evaluate your choices in this life. To figure out who is really at fault for the burdens we invite or not into our lives. 

I met a guy who had traveled, works honestly and holds’ a good conversation. We occasionally laugh & spark up interesting topics. He
 is attentive to detail more than half of the time. And understanding if you know what topics stimulate his mind. You can gather his mannerism was taught from a boy. And I knew from the start he was different so I decided to give him a chance until this story came to THE END.  But not before I met some important people his life, and also ask the right questions later on after several months went by, to figure out he was still married", and yes, he did honestly reply. And I must admit it still stings a bit. But time will heal this passing moment because this man lives a single life. And did have not one good intention "for me" in one moment of our time.

There were several opportunities for me to walk away. But there was something in me that made me stay one more day. We as woman think that for all the good we see in a male: it will change him into the Perfect Man. Move on to the next plan.

  "Ladies you never lose your Power.  You only allow men to prove to the both of you; how much POWER you really have. 

Not every man with a tongue is sharing his life truth with you. Because not every woman is asking the right questions, to accommodate what may intervene her faith. Not every man or woman is promiscuous, some men and women just settle for sex in milliseconds.  

Not every man cheats on his girlfriend, side chick, woman or wife; some woman accept their role in life. Not every man or woman is searching for an equal yoked person; some men just need a wife who can work, cook, clean, and act like a wife with parenting. Not every man is physically and emotionally detached some men really feel human emotions.

Not every man is seeking to be loved, some men or searching for woman who need love. Not every man has the right answer; some men really need direction. Not every man is close to God; some men actually believe they are GOD.  

Not every woman was searching and expecting for a man to beat her down "with his stick", woman for years had already figured out how to accomm
odate "no hands, emotions and legs". Just to satisfy what take some men a lifetime, to figure out how to make love to her mind.  

Not every woman wants to lower her standards to make you feel like a man; some women are just that patient to if you have any motivation.

Not every woman is interested in giving you more kids. Ask any kind of woman who not desire to be held and kissed. 

Not every woman is a Godly woman. But most woman who value themselves, even in the darkest moment seek God in there weakest moments. 

No type of female really wants to give her body away, and expect nothing in return, sometimes it's hard for certain women to figure out themselves without the companionship of a man. But not every man has good direction.   

Women do listen just like men pay close attention. But only a foolish human being would think that we could live in this life without being in LOVE, wholeheartedly. 

Sometimes men commit to women out of obligation, for years of her surrendered dedication & patience. Some men and women feel they have invested so many years to seal the deal. The problem is people do change over-time. And a wedding ring only reveals what has caught up with time. In real life there are no perfect relationships. Just two people who work together on filtering through their differences. And just in case everybody is not promised to be married here on earth, just earn if not demand your respect in that companionship.  


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...