Tuesday, December 27, 2016

King's & Queens

"The truth is everyone is going to hurt you.  You just have to decide who is worth suffering for.
-Bob Marley"

I'm not a saint. And YESS! I do highly respect the way a  silent BAD BOY, genuinely THINKS. So therefore I respect what I observe; of people who are not required to think or synchronize on the same page. But how do we manage to "flip" people that are out of our conversation range. To figure out what tedious compromise is? From other Kings and Queens who are not as strong as they appear. Do we not understand this is a mental game to see who will give in. But not every person's story is the same. This is how I learned from my experience.

We interact daily with compromise regardless of whom they claim is dear to their hearts. People are quick to demand outside of their pre-existing relationship "respect my husband, old lady, dude, wife and kids" But how about "you" respect them first. Is when we should recognize the SIGN that not every  conversation is worth the tears drops that FALL from your eyes. Is the reasoning to why I don't live a reality in human fantasies. I am a Queen who values her worth and reasoning. I dream BIG. I am a diamond who is familiar with "being in love but not equally yoked, trials and friendship, family unity, tribulations and prosperity. But not yet appreciated for a more in depth level of thinking. I work extensively to travel and taste the beauty around the world. And yes, I do also manage to pay bills. But I choose to also live. There are many reasons to why I'm said to be "too poised" enlightening and smart at times; where the dark is brighter for some of us to continue in remaining blind. I write stories real people are embarrassed if not silenced to share. So I earn my respect for being "who I am". And yes I continue to loose people with a sensitive level of understanding. Because I refuse to be devalued. In a world of obstacles that await all our faiths.

I wonder how often is the question asked; what do you love most about yourself? For every King and Queen this question means everything. If the unity is valid for us in reasoning. And concrete in our understandings". And if some people are not settling. Then why do Kings and Queens embellish in open marriages & couples seek other holes for satisfaction. Are we limited to ideas in pleasing one another intimately.  Or do we seek pleasures that can never be met in the flesh. So we act savagely in seeking people who are open to a world of NEXT? And yes it is among the living.  Look at the options we keep choosing. And tonight as I spent some quality time with a King from another country land.  He talked and I paid close attention to every scenario followed with an explanation. He admired my lips and conversation. And complimented me with no hesitation. He made every meaningful form of contact.  He complimented my beauty and wisdom. Then he said "don't ask a king so many questions". Allow things to fall in line. Because people place to much emphasis; on emotions we later question.  When we should be more focused on who we can build a fortune with. Sounds good; but how so if his conversation is limited to penetration. He proceeded to ask if I was dating. I said I keep my mind focused, legs closed, eyes and options wide open.  He proceeded to plant a kiss beginning with my forehead.  As the server patiently watched & waited.  I was delighted about the public affection. Then after dinner he admitted there is a Queen in his space.  But they have an arranged understanding; no kids, no commitment just occasional SEX. I'm a Queen who respects a man of options, honesty & diligence. So now we have created a mutual understanding. And tonight I will remember this moment knowing that there is a King meant for every Queen with or without a plan beyond their legs.  But today I'll pass on being another person's option on a 200-1800 count in thread. And to keep it real every Kings "curve" is not worth the Co-pay for a doctors visit that could of been avoided. To exist for "hours" then forgotten in seconds. Sometimes our options will appear light but don't get "caught up" your Queen and King will be ON-TIME.

Therefore if any woman or man in or out of a relationship continues in pleasuring random acts in the flesh; then the outcome is what you bartered for so there are no misunderstandings. And yes I have indulged in my share of satisfaction. But what I'm saying is use your brains more often to avoid unnecessary choices.

So now we say to God it's time you grant permission of our self-prioritized way of thinking in the flesh. Where we have found a loophole in the Old Biblical Testament. To service more than one woman or man in our permiscuous thinking. Then we both struggle with communication stemming from our arrogance. Of believing in our own lies. And existing in the blind leading the blind.

The people and acts are in real time. In every era of human life. The desires run deep throughout human history. The generations of incest still exist, our hands or a hot mess. The song writer lyrics sing " she don't want to be saved, don't save her". The thirst for lust is TOXIC. The anger grows deeper for one another where the truth is not hid. Hell people share their own business on social media land. If not what we Reveal of ourselves in person.

The tongue games are Ruthless. The human mentality is destructive in all ages of understanding in men and women. There has to be some logic in how our acts are making sense. Of this new generation that argues it's comparison to the old ages of Soldiers, Kings, Queens and Gents. And yes, experience brought this Queen a chasten is why I choose to live as if I was taught a lesson in entertaining ignorance. I'll prefer wisdom instead of being led astray, any day.

The reckless attitudes should come as no surprise. Because some Kings consider a Queen "the bad bitch" with no limitations, casual drug pill popping addictions, and weed is a natural herb.  While sharing is caring between our legs" and lowering our "standards". And some queens do vouch for a king who "hustles for anything" "smack that ass, but in the wrong ways" as long as he "swings a good pitch" to serve her heated position. And we struggle it in our light weight thinking. In hard times why these people we involve ourselves with lack in making a conducive contribution. Because our intensions were limited in the beginning. But again this is what some not all of our New Generation of Kings and Queens pride themselves in of common sense thinking. You be the judge in your own situation. Where perception of one another has reached another level. When woman or more of hunters seeking men as prey and in return we show minimum value if not an inch of respect. To only gain some positive attention or negative attention. Popping mollies is now a trend in every class of men and woman of all ages.  A crowd pleaser is confused with being judged by our tattoos reflected from the crack of our assets. And not every birth is a mistake. A female invited a male into her space. Who voluntarily entered in UNSAFE. And not every plan is to wed; an open set of legs.
Not every Queen has loyal intentions. To serve & protect a good "bad boy's" back. Not every queen is meant to be tasted on a Kings pallet. Not every queen is filled with goals & expectations. Some queens are on a mission. Even to gain a baby daddy. So if more Kings could admire beyond penetrating every females crack with his pride and bat. Then an equally yoked Queen will reign in open options. Not both your set backs. Now can we assume the King and Queen position. If we have not all rejected what is required to hold it.

We always say "something has to change". But maybe if it stays the same we can change. In 2017 by figuring out our own self-worth.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...