Tuesday, April 25, 2017


A Scientist predicted by 2050 human existence will be extinct. But according to my faith & labor here on earth "my years are 3 score years and ten"; and if "by reason of strength they be fourscore years" unless cut off because of my human arrogance or time no longer exist. So is Life that unpredictable, are is it that we’re unacceptable to change. In our own fleshly ways? 

Do we as a people clearly comprehend we can't fix one another with "tools, bolts, screws and underhanded plans", So our approach has opened doors of what we choose to deal with of heavy burdens to live with. In which all status & colors of  men or women will find themselves "processing".  

If we were to share some vital information through communication. Can we honestly say we would utilize it & process it in our own heads. How that information is accurate or contributes to how we function & adjust to live?

If you find true love in this life or online during "hard times". How hard are you both willing to fight without any "separation in no space over time?

If  you really knew the person you've invested and depended on would be there over TIME. Would you plan or change your mind about them financially, physically & mentally? While the time you have is still on your hands. Because we have been found guilty of watering GRASS on the other side. Opposite of what we already have in our own backyards.   

If you saw dangers ahead; would you break the cycle for the peace of your children of all ages? For me Yes.

If you always find yourself seeking newness in any type of  relationship including religion. Answers sought through mix company outside of our personal relationships; is their opinion and insight more digestive than dealing with what's going on in our own homes.

Today watch and see how we as people in own human natures make it about ourselves. To only find balance is required. If not "oppositions" will wear; for generations. And by know means is any human being on earth perfected. So why does the drama exist in manipulation in arguments.  

In this life EVERYBODY gets a turn to experience Life. And every word that proceed out of the mouth of  man will be spoken in "truth" and sometimes a "lie". Which reveals who we are behind the face we see; of hidden confessions proving who has a handle on our own personal baggage.

It's not life threatening being financially in despair; there will be hardships to bare. Until we educate one another on how we got there. There will be temporary respect in every deal we endorse. But not everyone is properly presented in the real. Prior to signing off to whatever or whomever it is we wish to have or what not.

In every person we entertain in our personal space; they are not always necessary to keep. But somehow our conversations attract "different creatures of nature" in humam beings.. 

It's not awkward to see so many people in confusion due to misunderstandings. It's not hard to recognize grown people looking for direction through one another's attention. It's not hard to assist a person in lack or understandings just identify when u r being used; by a person attempting to be mastermind. It's troubling to see there is nothing new that has not been done under the sun; but yet we as people demand respect in our own repetition.

Frank Lloyd Wright wrote. “ I know the price of success: dedication, hard work and unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen". Hell, we act as if LIFE spoke to us promises; where people often break them, and we are quicker to pick up where we left off. So what direction are we going in?

Who ever of people will lead or follow in. Life has a purpose; but it demands change where people choose to evolve, or remain the same. Life is filled with choices; people tend to limit theirs in it. Life allows all of us time; people either add or subtract from it down the line.

I'm not brilliant, I only took thorough notes from LiFE.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...