Wednesday, April 26, 2017


I truly believe if God continues to allow us the time. Some of us will eventually figure out; that true love does not end in disappointments or long term relationships that grow apart for different reasons. But the chemistry in that love allows "US" another chance to love all over again. 

So an old friend calls you from back in the day and would love to catch up on old times. Meet the family or that new person in your life.  And once that meeting has been established and takes place; be prepared to walk in with an open mind and confident SPACE. Because body language speaks louder than words "in any type of relationship" of what someone is feeling, but not said. And this may not have occurred to you in this life. But relationships do take work over time. To shut down any form of speculations we shadow in our minds. And these relations include marriage, shacking, dating or casual conversations.

Time is not objective, it does not argue or process how we relate. Although we play it as if we posses the power to replay it. Something any class of people will either accept or struggle to grasp in an old or new relationship. Where “chemistry” mix or not exist. But don’t get nervous, just be confident in what you bring and both genuinely establish. Even if it has been said “people are for a season” some will stay and some will walk away. Where emotions are broken and ties slowly unwind. So just in case one day an old friend or new one shows up in your life; get some grounding on who you are and be prepared for "expectations" to be met, but not yet established.  

The reality is whomever we fall in love with or for whatever idea we work through passion with; the first the time around will always be a part of your past. But not the end to finding a new future. Issues occur when we have not managed to move past  THE old baggage. So the power of that old chemistry remains buried DEEPLY.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...