Friday, April 28, 2017


In trials you find out who you are. In struggles you find out who really has your best interest. So if you’re a force of nature by yourself. Then why not “commit” with another beast of human nature while we have time?

It may not always be the person you expect; to grow with you in a movement. Just be prepared to deal with your and allow them to deal with their “emotions”. Because of one lesson we’ve figured out; is that true love never fades away it just grows in new places.

A male hunts his female prey, so females stay in your lanes; and allow that lion to chase. “You got to own it, if you want it” no matter what “treasures” you seek in this life. Remember everything tarnishes and changes overtime. Regardless of who is involved ‘US” is the key word that keeps our focus alive.  

So have you figured out which lane you’re rolling in. Where “US” is used in context.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...