Monday, May 8, 2017


Since "Lost" was popular in the beginning. I decided this blog would compliment the ending.

I believe that “internal happiness” is how you feel about yourself. And “external happiness” is the extension of how being with another person makes you feel. 
When life happens big or small; it does not consider who we are. Female or males were all "wired" 2 different ways. So yes we’re bound to see things differently and make many mistakes, along the away.    

Before I begin this selection I want to compliment one man who inspired me this last year. In one valuable lesson of acceptance & respect; people to find  their own happiness in the sacrifices they're willing to make or acceptance of what they are willing take. It's not always about ones self in showing human compassion & understanding another person. Show me a male species who can live without female affection. We all desire one another even where there is no human connection. So we're all destined to learn what is it we really need in a world of men and woman. Now let's proceed so we can consume more human understanding.

A young man ask me in his later 30’s how do you know what you need to be happy? I sincerely used this scenario; have you ever been lonely, alone or in a relationship, or married with kids. The young man said yes” I have been divorced and married again, and sometimes I seek outside only to eventually appreciate "what I found of new happiness in my life". I ask the young man this next question: What is it you can live with or without. Or does this happiness make you feel you're never without. The young man said I see where you are going with this. I then replied "you knew the answer the entire time" and silent as we keep it “we’re all” searching in one another for some human direction. Now figure out for yourself  what is your happiness about.    

It may not always look familiar in change. Just consider for yourself these important warning signs;
·        People talk a good game; misery invites company.
·        Family has your best interest; but they also slickly implement their own great ideas; of who or what “is good or not” in your personal happiness.
·        A friend’s hurt is not always your destiny; just listen to hear if there were any valuable lessons learned & if they are willing to transform or continue to repeat in repetition.
·        Any type of time invested with a female or male creates a bond. And a separation does not grow together when you’re both stretching apart from each other.

In this cartoon Tweety always found a malicious way to keep Sylvester’s focus in place. Poor Sylvester did not stand a chance in keeping up with Tweety’s plot to arouse his focus. In life distractions will grasp our focus, maturity stretches in hardened places, and human beings rattle our emotions. But knowing the difference “empowers” us to find “internal peace of mind” sometimes females and males have to re-evaluate “who am I, today” from yesterday? To figure out what do I really need to be internally happy.

Some people will say I don't need nothing or nobody. But if we really had what we needed in the physical man then why are we still searching in places we're deeply lonely in the flesh.   


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...