Friday, June 9, 2017

Tattle Tale

It’s easy in this life to get what you want, than to have what we need. So people reject the truth to not accept change  that requires maturity. In what another woman or man will allow them in continuing to do of childish ways and attitude.

Single people have to be careful when crossing the line into married people’s lives. And married people have to be more committed in what they both took a vow to do; with one another no matter what life takes them through.

What is it about the truth we refuse to accept?
When someone is always going to blame the other for not; communicating, stepping up are being in love. And there is always going to be the next “woman” or “man” available for whatever they can have in their hands. With no commitment.

A single person chooses to lay alone or with someone for companionship. A married person has a mate they know will eventually fill that space. And when life happens boundaries are crossed. Because people shut down to justify “feeling themselves”.  So what I mean is; we don’t always have a justifiable excuse to do what we think is greener on the other side to do.

As I rock myself to sleep tonight I ask GOD if LOVE is the greatest gift of all; then how did we manage to damage one another. Instead of building up each other. And why are there so many people who act as if they are not looking for companionship; just sex. Then find themselves even lonelier. Because people will remove some precious jewels out of you.

June 9th, 12 am
I spoke with a friend who expressed trouble in the marriage. I just listened to hear; I don’t feel loved and I’m hanging in there for the kids. Because my mate does not comprehend how to “reciprocate” or “receive” love or affection. I’m thinking how in the hell is this possible. But the reality is people do adapt to it.

The friend continued to say “this person remains selfish and contempt in ways”.  I said when was the last time you both communicated and “prayed” without walking away? The answer was I ask to do counseling, the answer was no. My response was I been a single woman my entire life because I cared for people who did not want to grow with me. And instead of walking away I wasted time and stuck in there for change. Then one day I learned to take baby steps & first identify if that person had the most important ingredient. Which was an open mind to always be open to work on one another. And if we can’t fight together then we have already lost the battle.

And as single woman I can hear what this person is missing. But it's not my responsibility to satisfy whom he really desires. And it's not always the person in whom they choose. Sometimes people need time to heal their own wounds. 

I see woman and men surrender help in weaker than stronger SELF -ESTEEM places. With good and bad intentions. Because both men and woman prey on people who don’t require change in what they have not been taught to see. So how do we respect WHAT we have yet to appreciate. To always blame something is wrong with a person who desires the drive to see we can have more? 

I hear people say I been with that person for years. With or without kids. And in some relationships "people say they have arrangements". And what does that mean? So the question is do you grow together or separate apart? And can you ever reciprocate or show someone else you care. Once you have figured why the person who never returned mentally. After walking away physically?

I see people say I'm deep in love. Or is it infatuation after numerous sexting with limited communication. But yet we're not looking for nothing. To end up with nothing. After sharing everything. Including meeting the family. 

I hear men and woman say "I don't wont no relationship" but they search all night on social media land. To find "what is available out there". And in those hardships and lonely nights where they are ashamed to reveal their true self's in a different light. You would be surprised about who never showed up in their shaken times. 
I commend the old fashion ways. Maybe it saves some of us from our reckless ways. Then maybe we can admit to why; do some men or women date for years. Or common law marriage without; a marriage ceremony ? Do we really believe we can play full house for life and manage to hold onto what it will take us through for life. Marriage is no longer "respected" and some people's focus is more on who will next upgrade my shoulder. But happens when father time takes roll call and the physical, material things and money; fade away. Who will walk, where the other remains. I foolishly stayed with a man who said "I'd rather be dead" than to have some one care for me when I'm ill. I said hardships, reckless choices and death will break any persons spirit. So why would you entertain a full life with holding onto people who could possess no desire to be by your side.  
And no, not every human being in this world is filled with hell or disconnected. There are people like me who love life and anyone who cross our paths. And I have not forgotten about “father time” and the husband or widow left behind. The reality is everybody will need somebody in this life. And although we don't get to choose who we will love of our family, exes and kids. There are some voids that can only be filled with a different type of LOVE. People are showing they no longer have. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...