Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Every woman has a soul, and every man knows. In every culture around the globe.
'Woman marry, Men surrender'. Who says so? Until we can answer why not every human being is married, single or lonely. Or what keeps marriages & family; in unity. 

If he or she does not appreciate your LOVE then why can't the next person propose MARRIAGE and SURRENDER to you? And if you are one of those people who don't believe in love; then what are you doing of convenience with the person you're sharing your plans with? And how do they really feel knowing your not planning a life with them?

Now what man is honest enough to admit; doing wrong and crying in the dark while lying wide awake at night with someone else lying by his side? Only he knows the real issues of his heart and what he intentionally hides. Especially to women who settle for excuses and lies. But on the other hand some men do settle down with a woman they love or manage to deal with. And some men enjoy the drama they create in their own lives because they struggle to “grow up from boys into men”. Damn I know that was cold but not a bios statement.
Now what woman will admit to giving a man more than 1 more chance, who continues to show her his boyish arrogance? And what woman can be strong enough to close her legs to his wreckless inhibitions, at his convenience? Because a woman perception is Marriage is for Love, as Men Surrender. But does it mean we always compromise in the right state of minds? If men know what is deeply penetrated in places a woman has already silently surrendered of her heart. Does it change his ways of valuing her?

See men there is not one woman on earth who does not seek companionship with a level of compromise that leaves out her confidence to please your desires as a man. Some women have lowered their standards to have a man. Some women are being played, rejected and left broken. And the Married woman have managed to be found by the man who “surrendered” from playing the mind games. But also take note of how this Married woman knows her role; just in case this man steps out of control. To the other females he will not be as quick to give you all. Of what he has no intentions to do all over again. So from a woman to another woman don't be so quick to cater to another woman's non rehabilitated situation.
Men are simple is what they say. A woman’s ego can be stroked and penetrated slowly. And once we both process we’re not that complicated to figure out. If he provides her needs. Will she then honor his wants for life? In places they both "need more time than space" to GROW, out of what has been acceptable. Only either know. 
And before we assume what my status is; a grown man said to me your talented
in many things. I agree that I am a woman who seeks to constantly grow in areas of myself that have not been explored. So therefore I will not apologize for my experiences in this life. That continue in opening my beautiful eyes.

In a world filled with LOVE & WAR, hell we created our own battlefields. And a quick access between any pair of  legs is the least of our worries in what we Surrender to. Of men & woman who get caught up, in more than one way. Of finding no value of what we seek to escape.

We must be more appreciative of the free will we possess in ourselves. To have access of what we surrender to in a world of; human  intentions. And if this does not apply to you. Then what do we lack of, in teaching one another something positive to do?


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...