Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Play Write

Black love is not shy or does not exist; it’s just not advertised in places people can observe and identify how beautiful it is.

A Black man’s tale; is that he and his woman have been sold throughout time in this white man's world, but the truth is “not a one person” throughout this entire world is free.  So when does the correction begin, and “dysfunction” end? Peace is easy to possess. Change is what we refuse to demonstrate, in reaching that Peaceful state.   

Black beauty is more than Black mandego men and Black woman with big booties; sit down and make time to have a mature soul conversation with either one of them. There are answers to why they are so outspoken in this life.  

Black love starts before our eyes open; with warm morning kisses sweet as honey melon.

Black love ends at night; with enthusiasm & freedom to express in them beyond human judgment.

Black love understands who they are, and what they have been taught to think they are not capable of. Now even those who did not know have heard the real truth, it's on you to grow.

Black love disagreements are not confrontational; just small hurdles to conquer with a conversation.

Black love is more than struggles; it’s more than people place of judgement on what they don’t want to understand.

Black love created together; worldwide inventions, conquered criticism even when they made historic contributions, and replenished the earth with their most wanted; of black children with their athletic abilities, scientific discoveries, dance moves, theatrical plays, musical creativity and mathematical visions where they continue to expand beyond walls built around them.  

Black love is kind and forgiving; it reshapes the colorism in our diversity of segregated behaviors. As long as we respect "black" and not what we leverage out of them to respond back.  

Black love may have their differences among one another, but please never misinterpret it's not a mystery how the power in black love; bonds them back together.

Black love is not imprisoned; prisons & manipulation was intended to confine the black love in every generation. Therefore a Black choice requires more conscious levels of thinking; regarding the elements that open up the doors for assumption to separate them.

Black love has its flaws; but black love is no different than any other color. Black love has a conscious to what we need from one another to heal our families back together.

Shine your light "Black souls", freedom is a state of mind, allow your growth to expand; despite the clear interruptions.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...