Tuesday, June 19, 2018

A Woman's working Independence

"Woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself.”
What is this quote really saying in today’s society when a woman financially progresses in her career, social peers and learns to read and write. What affect occurs in today's society? For progressing in her own independence? Are is not fair to say "two heads are better than one, thinking"?
In today’s society woman have climbed the corporate and social ladders of success, through the acknowledgement of their experienced skills. Placing them in hierarchy positions, some even above the salary of men. In a time where Progression was contested through Prohibition for woman. 
“Where there is no increase in vision we cannot grow, where there is lack of new knowledge we hinder our own growth”. -Angel L
Woman have conquered many obstacles, over the years challenging the face of Prohibition days, by evolving in careers once argued to be accomplished only by men.  The skills woman once only related to were domestics and caring for the children. Until the 1920's changed our vision in history. Woman discovered their freedom in a new world of career opportunities.
A despairing thought in today's society is for a woman to have found her own independence, means she has forgotten her BC roll in the household. Or either the intimidation of her success places her in a place seclusion.
In a role, we all need to give respect to what one contributes, and respect earned to what one adds to. We are not in a competition of who  controls progression.
If there is only 1 pair of pants; then who created more than 1 pair to wear?
If there is only 1 paycheck that can stretch; then why is it more common we require two payroll checks to survive in a household shared?
If were going to practice living in BC times; then we need new knowledge to prosper plans we discuss amongst one another ?
We can discuss & continuously debate amongst one another; a woman's role in the household & the woman's career progression. We can debate her title and salary, we can create descriptions that fit a male type.

We eventually will except a woman's role has progressed in this life.  


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...