Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Ghetto & Poverty

Does the word Poverty separate us? Or do we separate ourselves because of the Poverty conditions, not all but some places people live in?

This is a topic we, us them must address. Or else people will assume someone else has to pay for their circumstances. When in actuality infrastructure & knowledge makes up the difference, even where our minds are conditioned. 

If we chose to live in better conditioned neighborhoods, do we require permission to improve our situations. People need to be educated about economics to better their families.

If we speak to one another in a different dialect; we could use that as a tool to educate our people on how "communication runs this nation". It does not mean some people are better educated, or even more intelligent. We need to learn from one another, what we do not comprehend. Not weight our egos against each other. In most cases people will choose to broaden their own world knowledge. And there are some people who play on an opportunity for tiny problems to turn into real world struggles.  

If you live in any-type of under-developed area across the  globe, let's not assume all people are comfortable. In a poverty environment or have a ghetto mind set. The stress of "infrastructure" can leverage any class of people. And however that community stands people will survive the best way they can.

In poverty every race of ghetto mindset exist. And the possibility of  adjustment is frightening to people who are not prepared of the not seen expectations. Anything of new requires a mindset change in you.

I will contest to being a recipient of government aid in my life. I lived in poverty with no gas, water, food or lights, all cut-off at one time. I’ve visited the prison & placed money on books. I witnessed what a mother does to feed her kids, I witnessed mad men  use their hands, on woman" And it’s not always good for the woman who have suffered with them in their hardships". I myself stood by a man whose “gang sign” was who he showed his loyalty”, a made up choice with options. I had my share of “female jumping’ with all hands, back then I rather had been respected, than be assumed to be anybody’s fool the next day” and through all that life experience it taught me this “opportunities come once in a lifetime, but survival is always required”. 

My friends often say "you think to in-depth". If they only knew tomorrow is already in motion, and the struggles they have never experienced will break them in areas they were confident. To me not all adversity is necessary. 

I no longer need to  hear the nightmares of 911 calls, domestic violence and robberies in the hood. Because of another brother has been killed, or either a sister being raped right across the street from me by her biological daddy.  In the ghetto there is a wired mindset. As in the upper class there is also a mindset. Where both mindsets re-connect in this life we live in of the real insanity. That has not healed from what I've seen in the 80’s, now in the new millennium,  of the same madness.  

We've all learned what a battle looks like. Therefore it's not required to argue about change, People represent or die everyday, not only to say "One day change will come" but how much must we lose. And who will  survive the ghetto-poverty state of mind. 

As the song writer wrote, TURN DOWN FOR WHAT. Poverty has never been a secret. The infrastructure continues to linger. And real People just never stop living in it.

-Angela L


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