Tuesday, July 3, 2018


Love who you are; not what People are looking for.

If I communicate openly and show you who I am, will you do the same in return? Friends are hard to find, but knowing what kind of friend you have; truthfully makes the difference.

If we disagree can we trust each other, to discuss our disagreements only between one another? Because most of the time we both will go around this friendship, talking to other people to vent.

If you know you’re never wrong, because of the people you run to will never point out your faults; will any friendship last in seasons to come? Because most of time; people harness allow build up in their hearts.

If you ever get caught in your childish ways; and mom can always say “my child has a good heart”, who do you think will take the time out to care?

I was in the grocery store on yesterday immediately a handsome man said “nice legs”, I did not look into his eyes right away, I simply replied from the side “thank you with a smile” as I completed the call I was on. This man continued to watch me talk, is when I hung up. He then said listening to you it sounds you care about people. But sometimes allow yourself to receive back what you seem to give a lot. I said great advice. He proceeded to talk about how God wants us to say a few words to people and cut it off. I ask are you a minister, bishop or deacon in the church. He replied with a smile “a fireman”. I ask are you married with children. He said “Yes, but I’m separated with 7 & 7”. I said separated is not divorced and often within 2 years people get back together. He smiled and said we all got problems. So what is yours? I replied everyone does not always have “problems” most of the time we create our own “situations”; I have found balance in my life. He then said what is my purpose for talking to him. I replied without a long statement and said “you had an intention for me knowing you were separated, and I was a woman who was minding her own business”.

The moral of this passage is we are so quick to judge; so how can we learn something new from each other, in what we keep doing to one another, without looking into the MIRROR?

I will say this “knowing” who I love the most; I can live with myself and choices. What I’m not going to do is allow people to change my mind to accommodate their pop -up emotions. Therefore understand the type of people WE choose to; allow into our life, release out of your life, or hold onto passing bye in time. That includes married people who are seeking for peace.

No one can love you, better than you. I have learned to listen with an open mind and talk, at a speed of 100. I had to learn how to care & be supportive.  I do know the peace in when 2 keep it silent.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...