Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Open Relationships

I keep starting out to end this Blog. But I still have yet to come to a finish line. Why, we as people are tempted by any juicy topic. And it does not matter from where the juice leaks of it. We're all into it.   

We campaign our flesh. We broadcast our eyeball conversations. We use our mouths to leak a hot conversation. Then we meet "select together", for pleasure to meet on one sheet of music. And after all the digging, diving & sweat we still search for more understanding in our own internal brokenness.

So let's dive straight in it; and see who get's there's out first. I referencing the reasoning of how it really works. And if we still find an intense need to further put a bigger dent in it. Oh, I'm referencing the open-relationships & open-marriages. And if you don't fit, don't get into it.

I mean really "who does not enjoy the mystery of participating in roll play, we actually set the stage and participants everyday". Whether lurring at someone far away or switching or staggering our hips with a hungry pain look in our eyes. The messages are not always subliminal of what we desire to sweat in the heated moments of our human flesh. So how do we meet on one set of sheets, and indulge in different heartbeats?

So why do people act as if this is something new that has not been hit or missed, written in books or seen in real action as we do it in normal mindsets. Unless you have not opened up your tight closet door. Eye opener skeletons wait in everyone's space; and it began over generations. I did not make this theory up. It's never been a secret from 0 to ages of 99, there has not been a single pair of any living legs that have not been spread apart greeted by hands and eyes of anticipation; after every climax. Oh yeah, I'm referencing our climaxed human emotions in escalated actions.

We either come together with an agreement to roll around on that one sheet. Are get up & walk away with the music we all felt in a heated moment of roll play. So I ask all of us; what are we really doing with in this life. During the darkest days of nights. With One plus each other. Or does anyone really have the level of knowledge to explain why we use our heads, eyes, mouth & hands. In acts we really never fix. In our human disappointments. Turned into regrets if not brokenness?

There will be tears while lying on broken down beds, there will anger in our spontaneous hearts, there will cold days and hot spots in the places we once open wide now shut. Oh, I forgot to ask what do we share or show our children who come next in another generation? Life is funny that way; it also holds the pages of what we leave of our marks of roll play.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...