Saturday, November 24, 2018

Finger Pointing

History has taught us as a people; How we repeated History.

In places people sound as if; they have IT; all figured out. In this Fantasy world we live in of the Real World; people act out.

Some not all of us are innocent & guilty of whether are not we ourselves have "Stop trusting in people that; continue to lie to us.

Or can we first admit to ourselves; how we also have not stopped the lying in what we know better. Because it has either been proven in a human act or communicated through; how people will play God to control over and in other people. Of what we don't have of control in, or over ourselves.

The use of this statement "people with low moral", has been
validated in today's society. To being the new social acceptance of behavior; in our public and private co-existence, in positions of authority, and favoritism  exposed in what is not equal in employment. And I'm not saying favor is fair. I'm saying people use leverage to justify their negative behaviors.

Therefore the assumption is a "confrontational person, must be established,  for justification of the person or people creating it". To blame it back on the"low moral mindset". Now the assumption creates a argument for the "response back, of the confrontation inflicted on the unaware person". Who has been treated a certain way & manipulated to not communicate. Now the classifications can be established to fit the assumption of why a "Low moral, mindset exist". Which is not a title in limitation for certain people. Low moral exist because of how people; are being treated by one another. Either in our private lives if not aggressively growing in our social environment, of all human behavioral interactions.

History has showed up in this New Society/Generation of people; of who we always were in the inside, if not becoming of what we are on the outside.

If our answers is finger pointing at ALL people who make up this  society of culture & human behavior. Why not figure out; why the stem of the problem is feeding  the "low moral of  ALL people", not the creation of another conversation justifying words using; assumptions, ideas, bitterness & opinions. But words in a real conversation regarding; truth & who is not included in the accountability of All behaviors, not limited to one or some class of people?

For ALL people harness their individual brokenness, and  "Where there is anger in ALL people, the pain will resurface". In a world of All people "low moral" in a society can exist.

Again people will ask who is not being addressed; of their accountability in it?


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...