Monday, December 14, 2020

A Skeptical Society

One upon a time; we viewed one another from near or far away. Now today we live amongst one another in a skeptical society of the unknowing. 

If we could change one element in this moment; could we change our minds that maybe we contributed to the skepticism we created in the air. With the covid-19, no one has a reasoning into why. So many people had to leave this life. However, what we can control right now; is how we treat or devalue one another in this time of what we don't know of how much is left. 

We all understand there are non believers amongst us; along with the broken, abandoned, mistreated and less fortunate. And the truth is non one owes any human being; anything. Regardless of your relationship or title on this earth.

When you can find a reasoning in a fight; that holds more value to you than anything else on this earth. Will be the moment in which you consider; all people get a turn to suffer. it does not matter how momma and daddy raised you. Who you don't want to listen too; that read you the truth. Life has its own agenda and no man with no wand in hand can change its plan.

If someone is affected by another person; maybe its time you account for your behavior. Where that person has either took in consideration time is no longer on our side. A choice is mandatory right now. 

Be safe, and for the small children who may be sustained in adults choices, hold on change is going to force a hand of us all. 

In Memory of Dee Dee White. And all those we were summoned by TIME; to release back from this life.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...