Friday, March 27, 2020


Whether you have or have not the ability to travel create a place of escape with the intentions of leaving the world behind for a moment in treasuring peaceful time.  Focus on enjoying the labor of your harvest and not on what tomorrow could bring, grasp this moment and focus on more fruitful things. Hug your love ones as tight as you can, eventually they will be torn from your hands. Enjoy the airway while it is still free soon the TSA will be unable to control the air space due to calamity coming its way.

Take long walks around the parks. Enjoy a bike ride with your spouse and kids. Thank god everyday for the educators who are enforcing the fight to end education growth is purely spite. Invest in a passport while there is time eventually everyone will be restricted to their own side. Consume healthy food you would have never tried, eventually it will be destroyed by pesticides. Don’t allow the financial torture to destroy your life, people your more precious than trying to contend with the worldly price. So why wait to plan another day, instead allow the sunshine to brush against your beautiful face. Eventually darkness will consume this entire place.

The news has advertised another claim of attack on Brussels. Although this is a huge concern please listen to what is said from whom you can't hear. It's seems there is war throughout the land. So still travel abroad and safely with Watch the crowds and movement in whatever state or country you are in. And just continue to enjoy the pleasures of life, while we still can. 

In Honor of the family's; who have suffered a great loss in 2021.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...