Sunday, November 8, 2020


One day time will change and so will people. And maybe you will be to young at the time. If not older to understand, what is going on. That may or not have caused you any type of; heartache or harm. 

On that day if no one has told you the truth by now. Not every one in your life has abandoned you. Not every parent has left willingly whose plan was to be right by your side. Why, because of Death is a part of this Life. But sometimes people have their own intentional mission stemming from personal issues to deal with. Which will cause the children to hurt if not grow up around a false reality. Of what could of really happened.  

One day you will look at the life you have become accustomed too. And you will remember the life you once had. Or was removed from. Depending on the memories your mind has stored or what someone has shared with you of the truth. How so, real love is an action word no matter who you are around. Or what was the situation based on of factual information. To cause the separation from you and your extended love ones.  

One day you will see this message. Read this message and understand why you should always seek; God for more understanding. And remember this not everyone is a believer of God. So be careful of what you leave behind of the truth. For someone else to share with you.

One day you can ask for it to be proven why; the love you once could feel in your heart, knew in your pictures, and heard on the recordings one day stopped. Or maybe those phone calls were no longer made for you. If not answered in the presence of your own observation.

Every person has their own reasoning to why; sometime we share the truth, and often times we lie. Know this grandchildren you are a blessing. It's up to the adults to ensure you are not deliberately kept from your blood line of kindred history. And the people and parents that put them first; and not second of what they harbored of the truth from you.

One day you will ask yourself why me? Understand all people in any race have a family history,  internal issues and life situations to mature and show development in. No matter the title we hold; aunt mother, uncle, brother, sister or dad. Present or in Absence it takes "a willing effortless commitment" in that  "village" to raise all of our children. 

In Memory of all those loved ones are people who are missed. History and Love will not be hidden; one day you will know your truth. And who could of shared it with you.  



Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...