Saturday, November 28, 2020


The brain sent a message to the body and said; either you utilize me or figure out that you cannot do anything without me.  

The tempter then rose up and said to the brain; you could of reminded me to not get overheated. The brain responded I been patiently awaiting in the same place, the entire time, awaiting for you to consult with me. And if you had of done so you could of avoided; the mental & physical stress you have now exposed of the remainder of this body.

The body then ached with pain overwhelmed with the temper that stressed out the brain, which lead to the domino effect that opened up the “mouth” releasing 40pounds of air. To blurt out all kinds of crazy comments with the “hands” in motion all over the place; expressing what the mouth did not fast enough say. Motivating the noise to flare open and signaling the feet to “keep it moving”. While disturbing the knees to not bend and get some rest. Because the back had something to say as well; every time I turn my back on you there is always a problem affecting the other. 

Ask for permission of yourself to search; the conditions of your own hearts. Eventually the brain will say to the body; in unity we function together on one heartbeat. But apart we cause one another problems; internally. And if we continue in disrespecting this body; the heart will find rest without us.  

Coping with Anxiety

 Listen carefully about time.

We spend 50% of our lives catering to other people. Raising our children. And providing the best financially  for our family.

The other 50% of our lives. We deal with ourselves and the choices and decisions we either accepted to make or not. 

Overall; time came about. Somethings changed over the course of time, some people changed over the course of time. Then on Mar. 16, 2020, a  pademic progressed. To change our minds in how we have another choice to make a decision and live.

Crime & Hate progressed; and for generations we made a choice to not end slavery, abolish the laws that segregate the gentrification in this generation, end this social injustice in our CJS now the chains we all bare in every of race of men, woman & children in all communities. 

Poverty did not find rest in any race of faces. Where in time we took more than what we could of shared, acknowledged who contributed to what makes a country great. In a time we are divided in anger, greed, jealousy and hate; with The Have & Have Nots if this makes any common sense to heal the situation we are in.

Anxiety today is the mental chains. Once worn on human ankles & necks. Chains created by the hands of our past forwarded into this generation.

So when a black man dies; dont assume his intentions were any different than his own black man or any race of stress. We are attempting to fight against the time to survive one another on any given moment; for a peace of mind on any day. That "freedom is crying & yelling in the streets over bloodshed in all races of man", stop pulling the trigger & remove the chains. Because now all children can't breathe.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...