Tuesday, December 29, 2020

2021 Tweekers

Money smart. Most common thinkers say if you don't have money "I don't have anything". Not necessarily a true statement. To yourself you should feel that you're a valuable person. If not presenting yourself as a walking corporation.

In this complex time of distressed situations, and lack in finances. People are dependent on one another; where some people were accustomed to being independent. And I know its a hard pill to swallow. But there comes a time you must go incognito. 

If you want some money; come up with a leprechaun conversation & flash light mentality. But if you want success in abundance; be prepared to sacrifice, label the level of what your success is based on. And keep your plan limited to sharing. Why, because titles distract our attention. So more than often we do get caught up in the attraction if not gaining the validation. In being who we already are in our own success. 

Once you are at a level of stability to share in increments if any of your own wealth; be mindful of the external insecurities surfacing around you. Why, because some people don't take an eye lid of time to invest in their own plans; for trying to figure out the ingredients to your sacrifices and finances.

The biggest mistake you can make. Is not believing in yourself. And before you become "A Boss or Big Fish", sometimes it is required some people learn to maintain staying on a job. That structures skillsets, conversation & character. However, some people are straight beast; mentally. And I can relate jobs are scarce right now. But to lack in any type of development around knowledge and education to grow; is not an excuse or anybody else's responsibility for the hardships you will endure. Kids are not the makeup to all poverty. Evaluate if the adults are making obligations if not conformed to a mindset of Ill leverage the taking of less; while waiting to see who is going to invest in my plan.

The biggest statement u can make; is in your confidence by mastering a hustle that real people respect. Just as I did at a young age 14yrs, mistakes increased my motivation while watching successful people including my mom who attempted to work out in their own business plans. In reality it was overwhelming and mind consuming to watch. Oh, I forgot don't get caught up in the constructive criticism or another persons stuff. Success is based of your own losses & gains, diligence and loyalty in it.

Rich is a state of being, poverty is deceitful. The condition itself is the algorithm that leverages around knowledge and self-esteem to limit the impoverished lack-and with no ill malice; in every race of man we saw what, who and how slavery dismantled the black people. Around this same algorithm where all people of colors are now sharing the same oppression of suffering in economics, lack in funding of education and rapid spread of depression. In a Covid-19 era even today we refuse to stop splitting the behavior & expressing hating one another, if not counseling in our discussions of how to survive in our own colored situations. As humanity hopes of receiving those stimulus checks before all hell is loosened on earth. 

Choose your audience  cautiously now that we are all the Consumers to one another; regardless of status, accolades & color. Time & Change is destined to out weigh the demand. As humanities basic needs remain the same.  Rationalize in your minds to mentally find rest; and prioritize your first order of business; in accountability for the choices you can control no matter what type of business you are conducting in your own homes. There is a lack of financial planning of investing in all families. One is life insurance policies. Second, delegate a responsible party or person. Then watch who will remain determined.

If can look back tomorrow; and see the same people complaining, plotting, debating or procrastinating. Then u might need to determine your position in this audience; including family. Because every household has its own obligations, perception & ideas of what unity is. That will determine in our familia's if we survive hard times or die in mental division. Therefore no one can take what they lack from themselves to share in another persons house of "I'm grown", but the lack & limited motivation in development to plan; is not adding up to making logical sense.

However, in the event u have  failed the first time or two in business, or an illness and even job loss or pay reductions because that Business owners or Corporation if not LLC market is scarce. Evaluate what u possess, downsize, consolidate & keep it moving around your capability to stay afloat. Then re-evaluate whos in on idle in the audience around u. Could be time & people have changed their wants & needs. Check your "packaging" it may be in your presentation of how you are advertising, and communicating. So in the event this generation does not succeed in breaking the generational cycle. In humanity many people will continue in wandering, a few people will ponder, and the remainder of people will take accountability in accepting the change they could of, should or made.

Love my son's motto: fear is your greatest enemy. And lack was not optional. Because I was raised to know the Power in prayer, know truth, love myself. So my life was taken, because Life is to be embraced. So don't be apologetic in living it to the fullest. One day we will be judged for breaking the generational curse; of the mental poverty in mindsets. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...