Friday, February 5, 2021


The definition is to be in a state of abscence or leave without notice.

In the military a leave of absence is granted for specific personal according to their situation. The time allows coverage for this solidier to return; after their acknowledged in appearance of an absence.

In the streets of every hood; its ocurring to happen right now. Wherever hands are extended and time is non valued. And fear is the greatest factor; during the immediate exit. 

In Wars the soldier does not retaliate immediately. Soldiers plan and are lead in appearances by leadership. To perform under pressure in order to survive the enemies plotted plans. And exit out to freedom.

Under every suit or dress; an effort is being put in motion. By the human being wearing it presented with a presentation. Prior to an exit; but not before  a conversation.

In this life to validate an effective form of communication; we must respect it is a 2 way setting. And in the event a confrontation occurs for a non-effective form of communication; be prepared or remain in a state of denial.  Of what we created around the  atmosphere; resulting in a conversation of AWOL in another setting. 


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...