Sunday, February 28, 2021


As I prepared for a pleasant of  night rest. This calming feeling came upon my chest. So I wanted to encourage a few if not many.

To let you know; until God says you're done. There is still a harvest for you to work towards.And in the event you think this life is over for you, and this is it. As I said everything thing is going to happen ontime. But not without God in it at the right time. 

I can testify last Jan. I lost my only child. To a homocide then told lies where his body laid. I been broke but not broken. I been hurt but not left bitter. I lived through watching domestic violence in them good old day's. As we survived in those trenches of trying times. I also saw my mother talk to God, married a good man who protected and provided for All her children. So I grew up before enjoying my years of childhood. I had to get my weight up at 5'1. I learned my mental & physical strength, as an adolescent. So my son would never suffer unnecessary pain & fear no man, but God. #28"Prince".🥰.

Which brings me to this Point. Hardships are part of the journey. And if you have not suffered enough try believing in God. Because death is inevitable, life is a blessing. And people will change you, challenge you, mislead you if not encourage you. 

Today in Sunday School a sister ask what is about addressing the truth with family are people in general?

I answered most people will accept a lie; faster than they really want of the truth. She then ask what about family? I responded most people avoid the conversation with their family. To avoid the confrontation with the family. Truth is we possess the idea of wanting the truth. The reality is the truth will challenge us; to address the lies we accept to avoid facing the truth in ourselves. Hey! dont ask a question; if you are not looking for the answers.

"BIG", always look abroad; even when your circumstances make you feel small..


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...