Thursday, February 11, 2021

Black Labor White Power

How can we disregard the history; and grow angered & spiteful towards one another for fufiling the legacy of the pages in this Book by Claude Anderson Published in 1941; Black Labor and White Power. Slavery & Jim Crow public policies that utilized black labor to industrialize a nation. It focuses on how black people were engineered mentally and physically into disparities & named by false  identifies & led by tailored beliefs. To act out in  competitive behaviors of being the players and winners in our own race of people. But in reality we are playing one another. But not in a game of monopoly to win. Are to gain  knowledge for advancement to help one another; but a game we remain being played in against our own people .

The question is who told us we were were free; and who allowed our ancestors to be free. Where in history have there them, those,  and us in our Kings & Queens of African decent do not exist? 

Then over generations somehow we returned back to these pages of untitled names of slavery in history. Even though some of our people; prospered in education * Black Wealth. To be deceived and sold back of themselves to the White Powers that labeled identities in Black Labor in history.

We play rivalry againsty one another in this White Power of a game in strategy; of Black Labor vs. Black advantaged where neither of us are destined to never win. If we hate each other with such an intense behavior to prove something. Then what is it we struggle to love about ourselves. And remain vulnerable to this White Power in who will deny us but continue to show us our own Black worth. 

If my mother taught me to be free in my mind and I desired a strong will to live and pass down this wisdom to my own son, daughters and my African American grandchildren because they are small and vulnerable; then why am I being the one cursed and they being denied in knowing their own people, worth and freedoms. By their own people who control them through  manipulation. In their own behviors of aggression in his or herself; but not expressed towards the oppressors of White Power to answer back. To why in reasoning of our sold out history,  denied equality and harbored in seclusion to speak out loud and manipulated to not think for ouselves. While being cheated and lied to; about who is really of Black laborers in Power & Wealth.

The information provided to a black people has been objective for generations. And yet we still argue with each other over our own issues, accomplishments, capabilities and self identifications. 

When my black child was robbed of his life. I remember him saying why can't I be free to choose. I said son you and your children don't owe another person anything to live & think freely. However the day you are not present in this life. I will have a burden to bare. For knowing you were not going to be held captive to other people whose intent is to control you & answer back to someone else. Because you will not deny yourself or your seeds a right to their own state of minds. And the day you express in knowing your own identify as a black man to his own of Black Labor amongst White Power. There will be situations to acknowledge. Because of the stained history of our black people over generations. Where some continue to live in denial of themselves. To facing up to &  finding the healing from being oppressed by the instruments of White Power.

If White Powers controls our freedom. And lost identities denies our unity. When are we and our children really free. When we work against one another for Knowing that we are Powerless due to the works of our generation of Black Labor. And refusal to address the state of our mental condition in staying vulnerable to; White Powers not approached.

Don't deny yourself a future for being controlled by these things;
THE PAST of what or who has not shown accountability in being addressed. For one day we shall all share Peace on Earth. 



Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...