Monday, February 15, 2021

Dark Spot

The good news is that; the black out will not last for very long. The bad news is we must have patience to better prepare for a backup plan. In the days ahead. And if we can find laughter in this; most of us would of never thought to invest in a generator. Are even place 1 call. Not because a few people won't answer your call. It's because All people including the ones in our space young & old. Are trying to come to grips; with being confined to temporarily living off the Grid.

If used responsibly a generator will be a good investment. If appreciated a good friend or family member will not hesitate to slide your way. And if the generator or call to another person is not an option. Take a breather as we All should push pause & then rewind. For the next season; is awaiting for us to take our next appointed journey. 

If money can do all things. And even with some people they will invest time in going the extra mile to invite themselves to your possessions; for a future of happiness if not much wealth, power and access. Then why did money not buy enough energy. So that we are not limited to use off this grid? 

This is not intended to be surreptitious. Many of us are in a cold place of a mini crisis. And If money is the real answer to all of our wants in material things & problems. Then how did so many basic needs go outstanding. And where is this money being invested. Of what we should be possessing in more of an established  prepared position?

Yes, while sitting in this cold moment of a dark space. No warm food, no coziness & fuzzy feelings. We can agree or not. To whether we have what is needed to survive. In our everday stuff of petty little wants. To say I don't need nothing are anybody today. However, today how prepared were we. To live temporarily off this Grid?

The priority is to always plan preventative measures ahead. In the event somethings go missing. Once we settle down to sum things up; those petty  wants cannot warm us up. To those needs that remain; outstanding.

If you got your family, life and health, are you good. If you still making questionable choices. It's ok most of us were not prepared for it either.  More than often we must check in with ourselves; before the next Blackout. Will occur short or long term. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...