Saturday, February 20, 2021


Most of the real news will not be broadcasted on mainstream from a directed pointed lens. Towards the diagonal views of locations in the real statistics. That don't always reflect the demographics of all cultures that make up the reasoning in why we are not all categorized; by the black life expectations. Whether it be healthcare, economics, famine, poverty if not STD's.

So I'll be brief on this special topic. Because every situation in the Black Community is not always covered with the images of Violence. That remains a systematic equation. If only half the formula is implemented to reference the entire problem.

When a young black man is killed by his own "day 1 brothers, or brother"; it is not always drugs. Although drugs are apart of the American culture. From production to demand, medical drug use and government taxed on legal amounts to allow in one's possession. Black people did not own the ships they were imported on. However ships and planes marginalized in meeting a profitable demand. And throughout the oppressions of the Black History; blacks were manuevered on these ships. So how is their life expectancy lesser than any other race? Based off their past oppressions of their poverty that was an extension of barriers created to deny the black equal wealth; in which history continues to address through prophesy of what has been for generations an impact of inability to economically prosper the black communities based off the condition of their existance; advertised in statistics a forseen generation of the blacks to be the first in; extinction. 

Once the black man is removed from the makeup of his family; the foundation is disturbed to prosper & grow on his own village. So these black woman and children are now exposed to the systems that were structured in place for all races in the event of disparity circumstances. These are laws established for All people a supplemental allocation to fill all human needs for survival basics. 

The statistics has determined the black communities basic needs are at a higher demand; of the same basics in needs to meet a volume challened with poverty for ALL races who face a poverty situation. And the question was it ever establised equivally to be allocated in equality from the beginnings of mankind starting with; a generation of human slavery?

A plan for structured healthcare verses medicaid coverage. Differentiates in services rendered and facilitated equipment provided in the recipient's circumstances. It is healthcare that determines our life expectancy. And money will determine a privilege vs. underprivileged in the human diagnosis by accessibility. The statistics do not make up for All people suffering due to this unexpected Covid-19, human beings need to survive in uncertain times.

When the CDC and Human resources detect the climb in sexually transmitted diseases. Why is the black community starting in Oak Cliff the main focus of statistics, around the homicides & violence. And stationed on cornered blocks if not empty fields is whites, blacks and brown people of all ages; that lay if not stand homeless in this pandemic. It is not a laughing matter, very concerning we address a culture without addressing a humanitarian solution. As Dr. Fauci referenced on the global media in the event Covid-19, may continue to be around for an uncertain period of time. At least until we vaccinate the majority of society. With the upcoming second/third stems. There will appear to be a limitation in outbreaks for ALL races in humanity. And so we surface back to the Herpes and addressing the lower developed communities, of  also a dormant disease. And outbreaks could occur over time. Now explain how a culture of all races live in cohabitation. But not presented in The Black Statistics. 

If we don't educate ourselves & at least not be frightened to raise a hand. To inquire why is immunity so crucial of a topic to limit the existence on the African Americans by Statistics. If not tied to a cycle of systemic violence in American History. Of what no one accepts equal  accountability to figure out a solution for why is it a minority; that is projected to struggles. If there was never implemented an equal minded approach to establishing an equitable system to All people of colors. 

We may fight one another like all people disagree, but we also can come together in unity. Where black people in unity have been counted out for generations. As a people we can never win; in our arguments & statistics regarding each other. And who will genocide first. Once we accept in this process that is going to happen; communication &  knowledge is the key to keeping All mankind at arms peace. For  accountability has come full circle in All humanity.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...