Sunday, February 7, 2021


The previous entries were the introduction to this final conclusion. Written of our stories in The Book of Life. Of what has not been done under the sun and left unrecorded. Cain & Abel, Judah and Jesus. 

There is a dual personality of evil acts; one is murder if not spite to another in this life. 

There is the person who murders and the person who denies another person good fortunes by other actions of betrayal & spite. And only God knows if the remorse is sincere or not.

There is a shattering in the since of safety once a human life is disrupted. Of a fear that fills the entire atmosphere around us. Why, because the threat is still loose. But not the threat that is locked up behind bars.

When a life is conspired in a plot. It's the level of violence in the behavior of people or persons that are involved; hidden by families and friends nearer to innocence. And the sad part is we speak amongst one another regarding the truth. But we hide behind a denial of our own fears to address the ugly truth. 

The reality is we will never hold our families and friends again. However, If we are going to live amongst one another it will require we stop lying to ourselves if not to each other. Or just accepting accountability of our own behaviors is a part of the problem. In the evil amongst us. As the world is watching in Judgment of Race. And the Evil. That's not going to cure; itself.

One day our people chose to continue a life in change. One day a love one spoke with God in writing their wrongs.  One day our love one's were gone; forever 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...