Saturday, February 6, 2021


Goodmorning this is God & today I will be reaching out to you; through my grace & mercy to pull you through. But I waiting to understand why so many stir sway from reading my word. And avoiding the conversation of hate & sin on this earth..

I will not appear in my own image; however I will use the image in you that only I have created. 

I see the burdens you are carrying; in my word I told "you my yoke is easy, and my burdens are light", if all men shall bow and confess that I am God. Then I will heal the land and restore peace again.

I know that many of you are angry, hurt and fear of desparity. If you read my word and medidated on it in Psalms 50; for ever animal in the forest is mine; and every cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird in the mountain and creature in the fields. Then why so many of you in humanity deny "In God We Trust"? As you all have continued in your lives in the book of Sodom & Gomorrah? Before consulting myself "God". The Alpha & Omega.

Im watching the good Samaritans. I see the Worshipers, I'm preparing Virtuous Woman, Im healing the sick and comforting the grieving; as the dying are leaving. Im still in the 2nd chance business; while I see many Cains killing their own blood brothers so as what happened with Abel. Im watching as mothers dispute over Children as in the book of Rebekah& Essau. Im restoring families that were broken in heart individually. My own son was betrayed by his brother Judah, as well. As Jesus was his birth name I called into Mary's womb. Who sat at the table with 12 assigned disciples. Until one day Judah sold Jesus out for 30 pieces of silver. But not before he ate beside him &  plotted his death for no reasoning. I fed many with 2 loaves of bread & 5 fish. I threatened Pharoah to release my people from his slavery; even afterwards release; they still rebelled against God. I had my son to Pay It in Full of all humanities debt with his blood on Calvary. But not before Jesus was betrayed in this life. In which we both died in order for you to Live Life.

Now rise up & choose today; in whom will you choose to serve. Are deny of me God in this day of a; second chance.

But just incase you will continue to deny me; remember I am still God the Alpha & Omega "beginning & end".. 

In Memory of Dominique White 1991-Jan.15,2020


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...