Thursday, February 11, 2021

Hazardous Road Conditions

The weather reported this morning; the roads are icy and dangerous. So please take a moment to reflect on what is most important. After this morning we watched live as the Fed-Ex truck flipped over a Wall on interstate 35W in Fort Worth.

We pray for the families involved who are going to receive a call; the call they were not expecting at all. And we can all relate the bills are due, kids are out of class and our feelings are on the edge. Because the bills are due and the plan for survival is slow in motion are unclear. However, rest in knowing bills will be around long after the customer is gone. And our families will mourn the horrific cause. So once again, make preparations for this week by slowwwing down for once. Tomorrow is not promised are neither is the next moment. 



The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...