Sunday, February 7, 2021

Tha 4 Corners

In every 4 corners of the world; an establishment in conversation is being held. 

What we do know about the truth is this; rejection and intention to create conflict in conversation. Results end up in a negative reaction.

What we can respect about communication is this; in an established understanding we regulate our position. Which is the position each communicator is presenting; in.

What cannot be denied and hidden; is for every cause there is an effect; (+) if not (-).

One day a popup, of an appointment confirmed. Are either a walk up occured in a state of  conversation. Once acknowledged both parties will exit out of 4 corners. With or without respect of the conversation; held of each party involved.

Remember there is no streets without a movement. And no leader without the heart  & knowledge of a beast to keep it empowered.

You can communicate more effectively to other people in 4 corners of the world; than they are willing to elaborate and respect the conversation repeatedly r finally held.

The Power is the Tongue. If not the message sealed. 


Before reading this entry. Breathe before the final Ending of the usage of our Crayola boxes. Has no further usage to blasphemy over what co...