In every 4 corners of the world; an establishment in conversation is being held.
What we do know about the truth is this; rejection and intention to create conflict in conversation. Results end up in a negative reaction.
What we can respect about communication is this; in an established understanding we regulate our position. Which is the position each communicator is presenting; in.
What cannot be denied and hidden; is for every cause there is an effect; (+) if not (-).
One day a popup, of an appointment confirmed. Are either a walk up occured in a state of conversation. Once acknowledged both parties will exit out of 4 corners. With or without respect of the conversation; held of each party involved.
Remember there is no streets without a movement. And no leader without the heart & knowledge of a beast to keep it empowered.
You can communicate more effectively to other people in 4 corners of the world; than they are willing to elaborate and respect the conversation repeatedly r finally held.
The Power is the Tongue. If not the message sealed.