Friday, March 12, 2021

Backward Logic

 An example of it. You see an item on sale, purchase the 1 item then you also pick up a jacket & purse. The backward thinking in logic is you have made a smart financial decision. Because you saved a couple of dollars. But the reality is; you needed to save that couple of dollars you just spent to pay the past due on; property taxes, rent, carnote, insurance, food are maybe daycare. 

It does not matter what the scenario is; either we have an abundance in one moment; to justify a behavior in the next. And form the resolution that is somethings outstanding of an immediate need. We still lack of having. 

Ex. 2 stimulus checks. Who does not need a boost in money for the next 2 to 3 years? In the uncertainties of time a job loss are death. Even a snag in the economy could set any of us back. But yet in our backward logic; some if not a few will justify taking that overdue vacation or purchasing clothes to been seen in a Pandemic. Where no one is interested. Of another person's obligations to have taken an opportunity to change their own personal backward logic in personal choices.

Ex. 3. A person who is the breadwinner always giving more are lesser than they have to spare. But always have enough to let another borrower or just treat themselves. Well, somehow in this backward logic of thinking people who have decided how to  burn a bridge they can never cross again. Are maybe the lord intervened in the insanity ways of human selfish thinking to decide a subtraction of a person are access, from the backward thinking will open up their eyes. Of you, them or us due to the reasoning in how & who continues to work a master minded plan w/o God being head. 

Congratulations Dez Prescott; to who much is given, must is expected. But Dez has proven to God; I have been faithful over a little. Now you have blessed me with more.

Haggai; reads about a story of holes in the pockets. Some people will consume more w less. And the less will consume more or more. And those who will consume backward logic will justify why God is punishing me. Or the poverty is the problem if not the focus is on them for leaning on a systematic poverty driven module. To justify what it looks as if some people don't care to do better. But the reality is the limitations are set for the change to in reality not occur. Or it is a fact in all people do resist a real struggle to change in themselves. However, the attitude remains in "I can always justify, why I do what I want to do", in my own mindset of backward logic.

The results are in. Keep doing what you want your way, and eventually; somethings or nothing will change. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...