Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Basic Resourses

Galatians 6:9

The American Rescue Plan; and how woman play a significant role; in being the glue that keeps families together. 

In a pandemic life; after a distressful work day. Every physical body in a shared space. Diligently seeks comfort in relying on that house or around people in civilization to feel normal. But the  availability of what was a commodity to just freely breathe. Has turned into a vital basic need.

In a Survivors life of violence,  housing and food assistance recipients, children facing mental abuse. And entire families that are still facing disparities over clean running water. While our neighbors across those borders are running over her & there for cover. With their own families & children. As those among the world; exist in criminals. Are not being denied of crossing; those bordered lines. 

There are so many issue's to resolve from housing economics to nations of humans. In unity reflects an entire World; divided. In a time that humanity only has. To figuring out what is a priority in being 1st, 2nd if not last.

Where distress causes suffering, famine and death; disparity wears many faces behind a mask. 

Keep these children & elders in your prayers. While the busy bodies are too busy; in repeating busy steps. Unfortunately we live in an argumentative society; where a few people cant be told anything, and a mass of people know everrrrything..


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...