Wednesday, March 17, 2021


One day man was created in formation by God to perform an act that would blossom into this world child birth. And once these tiny footprints arrived on different dates & times throughout the world. God commanded every man &  woman to be called the parents; father & mother.

So, this pair of parents held this tiny baby in their arms.  swaddled tight, and then gawked into each others nervous eyes wandering; how can we be the best of parents and create a wall of protection around this child are children?

So one day these small babies; grew out of those parents, nervous arms. And wandered into this big old world. Some parents were catastrophic, some shadowed their every footprints and some parents even packed up their entire houses & journey off to college w/them. For me I was a helicopter mom. Whenever & Wherever he landed, I flew over him. I even promised his children to never be too far of arms reach of them. Its amazing the love God showed us in those tiny tight swaddles, then feet. 

Fast forward, our children will always be the tiny feet; we once ran behind to keep up with them. In a world of darkness, we've  lost many hours of sleep. At night to monitor they were still breathing in their cribs. I clearly remember. until my child would cuddle his own children. And when they grew older. we could always put our arms around them. To Safely protect them. 

But as days got longer if not nights shorter. Our children then gave birth to their own children. And chose to grow their own families. With those same taught of morals, values and beliefs. The steps we guided them; in. Is when our own children  ventured into relationships! of all sorts in this world. It got overwhelming for those old parents to keep up. So some parents allowed them space, others parents partied with them, some parents struggled in building the relationships over-time, as some parents passed away, I was still sending out helicopters. Then God said I see the struggles life is transitioning humanity in. So I will make a call to alleviate some of much heartache & concern.

If we could check into those Campgrounds where these people remain of who is impacting if not changing our lives; through our children. Would we do better w time if not do better in ourselves to open our eye to see how the world is changing and people are stressful if not trying to keep the peace in their own lives. For me and a few other parents throughout the world, young are old. We continue to do our best through praying, fasting and investing more attention to keeping our helicopters in place of watching over our Beloved & tiny footprints..

If we look around our houses, in these streets are even in the company we keep. Around those Campfires are stories we once are still share. On the same camp grounds. We will either still be standing around. If not sitting & watching what is looking, around. 

Ghost Writer D. White, The Wall


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...