Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Royal Families

Matther 5:13

Welcome back in all things surrender unto God in doing well on a humpback day Wednesday!

"The passage reads we are the salt of the earth", so I ask the lord this morning for the renewing of my mind. As we stand in unity of prayer; for this generation of All to find peace in themselves. And its ok if you don't need any prayer are you swear there is no God. Some if not many will not miss out on a chance; to serve a God who continues to prove; revelation & revelance.

For decades, the woman in our family have this tradition. So did a son. We all either call with several members on the line. Or since the cell phone is like an ATM machine, the elders of my people now text more than the young. And the text messages we have to share is "expressions of dealing with trials, challenges of change, encouragement, pics  of our children; and prayer for the children we have lost in our bloodline. In prayer we express endless love for each other, and bond this family over zoom lately. A family in blood that belongs to angel "an extraordinary person". Did I mention this family has seen God's grace & mercy in both the good & bad. My seeds, our bloodline is blessed to have village's of family. And an abundant of cousins. For many of them are still living. 

When God created man, God created his family. And if you establish respect for the family. There is nothing the family cannot accomplish in UNITY. 

In the days we are living in of Royalty I watched Meghan & Harry in unity. Decide on  making the biggest decision in the presence of a judemental world of people; as these two came into a final agreement to stand firm together. As the Royal family watched so did the world of people judge in silence. Maybe many gathered their synopsis based on the history of Diana's tragedy, and left of her legacy two sons now men who a title of honor. Which became the topic that would always follow this Royal family. Her boys did not forget their mother even when they had a living father. I noticed Harry bestowed in his demeanor of what he possessed in a strong sense of loyalty for his mother Diana. And now that loyalty has nurtuted with his own wife Meghan who has bared his Royalty of their children. 

Time will shift gears, and families will always be in existance of our human being. Alive or Dead. Differences are Agreements. Its life that challenges our change are to respect one another in our own decisions to change our positions. And it is the spirit that eternally commands by God; we live in unity & acknowledge peace. As in the days of Lazarus. Who was at peace until his family mourned for God to raise him back from the dead.

In Christ Jesus. We can find refuge. But remember trials will be part of the process. For no man can enter into the kingdom, until we meet with Christ, first. Is where the family has eternal life. As we live as  families in unity here on earth.

Prayer is required, Religion is optional, Finding Peace your accountable for yourself, Change is relevant & decison making in choices is your own free will to make. And If God is available 24-7, in the word God commanded we are the salt of the earth; then why is man allowed to remove that salt out of our mouth?

One day a voice rang; as we were laboring in our fields. Some fields grew plenty of harvest on the land, some barred dry land in several seasons; trying to increase their harvest they work in slumber, some drunken in their own spirits. And finally One day came. There were 2 standing on a roof & in a field. Then 1 in mystery disappeared. As this process domino effect occured all over the world. 

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...