Thursday, March 11, 2021

Mental Illness

For generations mental illness we know the truth in why it has nothing to do with race, gender are sex.

In today's society mental illness in Society it's Families and a Community issue. And the reason for that statement is this the mental health issues are going consistently or inconsistent in being managed, untreated, ignored or human Denial. 

The leadership attempts to try to gather the mentally ill off the streets is still not effectively working. 

The trained officers are not psychiatrist these officials are to  protect & serve, trained to shoot and apprehend criminal suspects. However, these people do have families. And the reason for this statement is; there are circumstances of the engagement in society we allow our mentally challenged family members to participate in violence, gang associations and improper supervision of finding appropriate housing, ensuring they continue to remain on their meds. And a responsible person if not people are coherent themselves to assist in the healthy progression of these family members, people are friends. If we are going to bridge this gap in mental illness its time we educate ourselves on the; medical history and even in the bloodlines of our own families.

My personal story in my family, I had this particular member who served time in prison.  While in prison mental illness was diagnosed. The problem is it was not the father's condition. However the diagnosis was schizophrenia. Once released from prison he had a trying time to adjusting back into society. And returning back to jail on multiple occasions to only be released from the CJS. Until his mother decided to find a shelter. Now even in housing he was granted to work previledges. However he was not always monitored by supervision of taking his meds. Eventually his mother took full custody of this adult with a mental  illness. Until the day she laid her child to rest.

My personal experience. I had a family member who went to prison for murder. Served his time. And shared his experience. If you are a follower in the world, you will serve the consequences of the sentence for your chosen decisions & behaviors. And even if your condition was a state of identitfied medical mental illness if not rebellious, are  psychopath behaviors in adolescents or adults take  accountability of yourself. Get you some professional help if not surround yourself; with positive thinking people & family that has your best interest. So you can address your own demons if not a proven psychiatric medical condition.

Its not embarrassing to admit; mental retardation, mental illness, schizophrenia, bipolarism, ADHD and post pardon depression can be a condition in ourselves or  family members; and even when we cohabitate in consecration of creating new born babies.

911 what's your emergency; lord we did not obey your commandments are grew weary in trusting in faith for grace and mercy, disobedience& in rebellions. So where do we go from here with shattered; human patience..


Cunning: skill, cleverness are expertise. Also implied as deceit are craftiness. Depending on the; behavioral content. Believe in anything. ...