Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Gummy Bear

Rmember when we were younger kids; and mom packed our favorite snacks in our lunch bags. 

I remember my favorites were; Paydays & Peanut Patties. Peanut Butter logs and the fat Pink Circus Peanuts.  

Even now, every blue moon. I stop by a corner store to grab 1 of my favorites.

Today I notice even the adults is eating everything that is flaming hot & spicy. If not coated with sugar are a sour coating.

One day I was at a small gathering. And from behind I heard a voice ask "would you like a gummy bear". I thought about the commercial and those Elite grownups at the table say 'I like this 1 better', what is this we hear adult's sounding of small children. 

Then one day I watched on social media * nation wide television. Of how drugs are now an epidemic. In all races of children around every corner of the world. And no one knows exactly HOW this epidemic could of entered in our homes. When this could of never happen. While we were paying closer to monitoring in on. Our children. 

Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube and Text.. I know after a certain age; there is no argument. And when they are young we assume our actions are not being watched..But not for every parent who is not sleep on these children..

The World is a big place. And not All people are pleasant, prayerful and watching out for your, theirs and our kids..

STOP..start to operate parental patrol..Why, because the future for the youth is depending on what we implement; of helicopter parenting.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...