Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Coffee House

The Best Part of every morning; is to start with a sip; from his or her cup of Java.

You are the quench to any thirst for water; in the driest of a desert. You are the North Star; sought for release in this anguish. As our feet burn on this tireless journey. 

You are the sunrise; peeking through the cracks of weary eyes. As we wrestle from another restless night. Our bodies ache in every crack & crevice. 

You are the smooth taste of reasoning in every sip. As these nostrils open wide to embrace your aroma.

How your beauty flows. Where Millions have walked a mile. Traveled a distance over time for hours, if not struggled to stay awake; until the moment came. Of sipping from that cup of decadence..

You are the best part in every morning are late night story we've shared. As we sat patiently & watched how you  warmed up in every pot. An embodied mellow of brew. Waiting to be poured into our cups. To mentally stimulate every inch of US. 

Maybe today; we have something different to communicate. Over every sip of his or her; cup of Java...

Bon Appetit!


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...