Tuesday, June 22, 2021


There is several emotions we cannot deny each other of. Female or Male no matter what the status is. 

We cannot deny; the need of a human touch.

We cannot deny; a need to feel desired.

We cannot deny ourselves the intense need; of gratification in obtaining attention.

We can resist and hold back; from releasing our deepest breathe.

We cannot deny each other in a physical attraction. Or even having a simple conversation.

We can humor ourselves. In saying we don't need each other.

We can play mind games & take a chance in losing; the only chance we could of had with one another.


We could grow together by excepting our own truths. However, sometimes denial keeps our hearts & minds safeguarded. But at the end of every night and break of day. There is something inside of this man or woman, female or male; that yearns to be touched. If not woken WIDE up.


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...