Sunday, October 3, 2021


Who is qualified in authority  to sustain a position of being in charge. It appears there is a fluctuation in humans situations. One money the other genuine love. And the possibility of why these CPS calls are made; is due to a breakdown in humanity; money, patience and love squabble against each other.

Everyone wants to believe; it's in the best interests of children and families. But how can we tell; where the influence is convenience supported behind misdocumented physcological adult & child behaviors. Over genuine love and money.

See childbirth is a human right. However parenthood is not sacred for nobody. We are accustomed to each other's behaviors. We are denied the right to question what is perimeters of mental & physical safety in the interest of a child's life. Not limited to the foster care conditions, home placement r families involved. Children r not being heard; clearly and outloud. 

When a parent demise we must becautious; of our relationships. Often families divide on adult levels of diluted conversations. And children r striped of a mental connection with their birthright of bloodlines. 

If our human relationships could survive the challenges of life trials; it would behoove us together to make preparations as humans to safely emotionally handle ourselves. When life's challenges divide us; through  generations where children are being accounted in child services. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...