Friday, January 8, 2021


When daylight turns into Ashes; we must remember storms don't last. 

When our tears turn into anger if not joy; we must remember to laugh out loud if not pray together for each other. 

When disappointments obscure our visions; we must plan because tomorrow is not promised. But just incase our eyes meet the sunshine. Start a new day with a mindset.

When the tunnels remain dark; we must remember the light we first saw. 

When people fail us or we disappoint ourselves; we must remember the people who will not and how we did not give up on ourselves.

When money no longer brings contentment or material things to make us feel fuzzy inside; we must remember to not put money first. But re-evaluate what is really priceless in our lives.

When we look at our children; remember to smile. Without them we have no reason to give a good fight. 

When family is worn or torn in unity; we must stay fighting together in the ring. 

When this whole world looks out of place; remember how to love (amor); yourself first (uno).

I don't speak Spanish fluently however;  in this bloodline that is filled with diversity. So we honor one another with respect; no matter who we are, we are familia.  


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...