Saturday, January 9, 2021

Ghetto Girl

If a female teachers her daughter of any race to always trick a man. Or this female teachers her son how both of them have treated one another over generations; what do you think males and females that have been tricked; are teaching their sons and warning their daughters about? And if a woman can love any type of man or a man love any type of woman; what is the spite & arguments about? Once we know better regarding who is willing to surrender, and who is not willing to grow because of control or fear to let go. Then maybe this generation will figure it out what some parents did not succeed in. And learn from the one's that did. 

This passage is meant to honor every ghetto girl; who knows she is more than a thot to the society that treats her lesser than the queen she is inside. And not all ghetto girls suffer from low self-esteem some people just need more time within themselves to breathe. And figure out what do I value about myself. 

Because it is proven fact; all types of people in this world will take advantage of you. Both men and woman hurt in all ages. Because of the mental and physical abuse in the relationship or process in respecting one another's choices if not space. If you don't know ghetto girl your own value. So when the the phrase "ghetto girl" is used in world or mixed company, all females and males be cautious of what you choose to entertain. Why, even though you may claim you don't give a #!#! about what people or society thinks of you. It's more reasonable for you my Queen to consider what you think of yourself; and who is admiring you from a distance 

No human being wants to be alone in this life. People want to feel a belonging to someone or something. And sometimes its more manageable to present this person in yourself but a denial to say; Validation and Acceptance is what I really need from you to feel like a person. And if this is not your situation. Then maybe you are the other Ghetto girl on the opposite side; judging your own in this life. 

Ghetto girl, or Ghetto Woman; we wear our behaviors and style where the world is watching as we smile, frown and poise. And for every type of female; we cannot deny the desire to want a hard core man. 

Ghetto dude, touche! we all have used the names in our clicks or saying it to see if someone else was closely paying attention. See woman love feedback and it's not always necessary a smarter female reacts. Why, class is unlimited. Whether you bounce back or keep it moving. Not every person is looking for validation. And men will do boyish things, and boys will be men. The difference is in both of their performances. Of what a man will do without direction, that a young boy has more time to master from proper instructions. 

I hear females say; I want a hood dude. Well who qualifies to be hood? The world is filled with a color box of young and old choices around the world. So many females are confused whether they want a good man or a hood dude. Again, reference back the bolded lettering.   

Being a single person; does not mean you are a lonely person & vulnerable. Because you can be a lonely person in a single relationship. How, because people have yet to figure out how to respect themselves. 

Ghetto dudes are not all men of any color that wears; a tough attitude, below the waist swagger & measurements in between his legs. Some ghetto dudes are the very intellectual & willing to learn more as young and older men; if a Ghetto girl or female whose perception is her respect comes from in between her legs, or that her mental game is so tight that her tongue has a man sprung. Then we as woman or females have failed to do our jobs. Is teaching one another that "value", is priceless. Because we are the Queens in need of our KINGs!

I taught my only son & I stand firm even in his demise & seeds; to first understand yourself, teach accordingly and listen closely. Before you attempt to please anyone else who is still seeking love and validation in themselves through the world.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...