Sunday, January 31, 2021

Relationship Status

In our youth we were advised; to finish high school, attend college or the military. And approaching our twenties we were encouraged to take a trade or start our own business. Why, college is not neant for everybody..

As young women we were mentored or directed in our lives by inspiring people around us. Some mentors advised to not bare children until we are married. Some mentors advised us to obtain our own wealth if not find a good career or established man. Some mentors advised us to make long term investments. Some mentors left behind family wealth that we had or no knowledge of how to manage. While some of our guidance was misdirected and down the line our children grew up in the dysfunctional environment.  Mistaking love & affection for physical altercations and negative verbal communication.

As young men some were taught by the mentors to use their hands in laboring. Some mentors taught to watch the stock market, Some mentors taught to use your skillz to establish a community business, or obtain access to a fortune 500 company. More than enough mentors warned young men to think with your top head, first. The second head will cause you a life of situations. Some mentors saw the future and advised whatever journey you take, establish yourself before making a female your wife. And before you make children are obligate yourself to another mans children in his absence who chooses selected visitations. Prepare to accept not all females are wife material. Therefore if you are not prepared to take on a responsibility of another person that hides the truth regarding their situation. There is a possibility someone is going to be disappointed. Because time was lost on a good intention because of the lack of honesty and effective communication. 

Looking for a mate, partner, husband or wife; until we learn ourselves how can we commit to making promises to someone else? And in doing so who says we cant get it right. Whether you are chosen or not. As a people we must figure out; what is required of growth & change in ourselves. In a life & on social media everyone is seeking to be loved if not accepted for who they are. While placing high expectations on someone else to change. So many hearts young & old are hurting. When time allowed us both to heal if not witness the red flags of issues. 

We are not obligated to one another for our wants & desires. However making a commitment is determined by what we as an individual has searched of in ourselves. To be willing to make of a sacrifice for another in an investment with someone else. And no, not every sacrifice will be appreciated. 

The reality of a promise is this; promises can be broken. We all need room to grow as a people. Where we can make one another happy. But in reality it is impossible to say we will not make more than 1 bad choice or 2 mistakes. Sometimes we waste time in knowing the truth. Regarding how much we allow ourselves, to either settle for one another, attempt to fix of the internal brokenness because of the fear & time it is required of in healing. Are we either try to make-up for; in what we or someone else is missing in our lives of peace  & joy.

Eviction Moratorium

The eviction Moratorium is expected to last until the end of March; thus far 10millions of consumers are affected with rents & late fees, foreclosures and mortgages. So the quesion is crucially being sought of what happens after March. Once the algorithms flow; is no longer working at the leverage for generations it performed.

So the question is the government solving; we, us & them of the peoples real problems? If truth be accepted today over a lie or blinded denial; no one has a real answer above or below in any community around the globe. However plans are underway if not extension dates and pardons to buy more time. Around an algorithm that has finally shifted from being leveraged; throughout generations.

Throughout my blogs; the stories and passages are mature in language written on a platform of people speaking on  topics discussed. That will either impact or improve our life choices. Regardless of race, status and ages in the  interpretation of our collaboration. Of what next is going to happen. Unless we figure out our purpose, perspective and next of plans. Before the forseen forces our hands to move around. In areas we  are not if prepared to be acclimated in; while waiting to be told which way to move or go. 

We challenge ourselves in questioning knowledge & wisdom; by destroying its physical existence. And then we wander & wonder why; common sense is dissolving in the midst around us. In this life every move played, has not been a well thought out plan. When Life has been our greatest mentor the entire time. It has been taken for granted. By a few if not many; by humanity in behaviors  has proven for every cause there is an affect. Now how prepared are we to take a course of action; in the event both vaccination distributions slow- down. In a world of peace makers, disobedience & arrogance. As another surge is slowly onboarding.

The anxiety rises to reopen establishments during a time that is not allowing the process or 2nd doses to catch up. To cure all, and restore life back as we knew of it; to normal. 

Ghost Writer-Dominique White, my son shared an idea. The same steps were his body was shot. He said one day I will purchase this apartment building. Rebuild these splintered doors and bloddy steps & restore a home for  many who seek change. I said to my child; never share your dreams with even a few average minded thinkers around you. And no matter where your feet land. Its what u shared of your plans & vision to grow; a garden that only needed water.


If you rose up out of bed it is a blessing; we, you are them are still amongst the living. "Amen".

If you got the same bills due from last week. "In the name of Jesus, "I am debt free", for there are those in the book of "Haggai" with holes in their pockets.

If that spouse stayed out late if not returned home, or he or she woke up in the same house. "Amen God is still in the deliverance business".

If you are able to use the components of your body and mind to; text, click on social media and follow if not post during this jobless time and volumes of emotional loss. "In the name of Jesus give me understanding in the time I've been granted. To contemplate on my purpose & a new life perspective". For the days are shorter as time is moving forward.

If that grown child is struggling with drugs, prostitution & alcoholism rich or poor in spirit. "In the name of Jesus, these chain are breaking loose, now release my child that is covered with the blood". And lead me to you incase I now need direction from you lord.

If you are feeling to low too pray; keep watch of the company you keep while going through the transitions of life. "In the name of Jesus I don't know every name, I am not perfect and I have made some mistakes. But I know a God more powerful than man. And I can pray along with others; for our amazing grace & mercy. To heal the hearts, bodies, minds, souls and hands to turn back to  Matthews beautitudes. We weap for our love ones that have perished by the Covid-19, suicide, natural causes and Homicides commented out of arrogance"In the name of Jesus healing & vegeance belongs to God". Comfort us in the midnight of these long hours. Feed the hungry; of the first & not of the last, shelter the homeless, clothe the naked who suffer because they dont have a closet of selection. And then work on the minds of those who walk in lust and cover up their brokenness. Bless the small children and child who has their own. But suffer for the others in those same families who dont. Heal the parents who are following the blind. Blessed of those parents  who will reach back and show them love, interest and compassion. And restore the leaders who have sold out are lost sight of the mission of the people. Blessed are the peacemakers who suffer for your name. Dismantle the enemies plan.

Watch over every corner of this earth. This morning the smallest of children are being sold for sin; as some of these mothers, fathers and even families are mentally at peace. If not dealing with their own internal demons.

If your church doors are chained, locked or maybe God is not in your heart. And even if you are not a believer or strayed away from God. Remember in those times you needed God to understand your struggles & circumstances. It was Gods second chances that you are still here. While Satan sits and waits to see whom or road you will choose; to take.

Ghost Writer-Dominique White 1991-Jan. 15, 2020 8:10am.

Gods word "if my people will humble themselves; then I will heal the land", of what humanity has seen that no man can.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...