Tuesday, February 2, 2021


We were not created to perform 1 task. We were carefully molded to perform multiple roles in this life.

A man was not created to just perform one role. This man has a multitude of titles to fufill. 

As a father is the hero & role model. He is the provider and protector. This man of the house ensures it bears good fruit & bread. In order that his his family continues in being fed. 

The man is a best friend to his spouse and children, first. And to his mother he is her first love. Because dad is both their Knight and shining armor. 

The mothers roles requires different hats; as well as skillz. And often some Queens must be reminded of the heavy load they tend to carry all by themselves; Can be shared with that King who never hesitates to offer his Time and Hands just to be in her presence.

The children even contribute a significant role, they are the glue that bonds the entirety of a family; to love in unity. 

See we did not choose our family. Because God knew the plans for our lives not to just turn us up side down; but to turn us right side up. 

And in the event your life encountered a different story; maybe its time to unpack that old baggage & renew your mind. To fill back up a new bag with a new perspective. 

Black History Month

We honor our Black History for life. And in the month of February for 28 Days American History shares the stories of the first famous black; leaders, poets, actors & actresses, trail blazers, educators, innovators and pioneers. That graciously superseded in their successes beyond the years of tyranny, social injustices, hardships & oppressions. 

The Black History of these ancestors; open doors that were not meant to be opened for generations. Contested unconstitutional favoritism against them. And for our generations it was because of our ancestors sacrifices & gracious talented works. Black History remains the makeup of our African Kings & Queens who continue in their footprints to leave our legacies; that breathe throughout this American History.

We honor: 

Emmitt Till; his life was cut short; taken and beaten severely in the midnight hours. For being a young black man at the right place in the presence of hate in black history. In memory of all our black boys & girls; who impacted every area of our struggle.

 "In memory of Dominique White Jul. 1991-Jan.15, 2020" the day they plotted on your body; was the date they also recorded your story in History. For your legacy & the world would one day read.

MLK; for allowing our voices to be heard as those dogs were headed our way. If a man has not found something he is willing to die for; he is not fit to live. 

Madam C. J. Walker; first self made millionaire. A boss of elegance and style. Walker represented by exposing natural & pure black beauty through America History. 

Rosa Parks; allowing us to take a seat at the front; no longer the back of that bus. To allow our black people to rest their worn feet that labored throughout Black History.  

WEB Dubois; teaches us knowledge is a lethal weapon.

Sarah Baartman; sold as a young girl around the world. Her story is unique it was her voluptuous beauty that gain the attention; of those who betrayed her in vanity. Then sold her beauty in a jar; in a museum for viewing around the world.

Malcom X; his courage, and quest to challenge himself. And not fear the challenges he would soon be forced to face. By standing in the mist of betrayal, adversity and silent fights to end; a vision he shared with the fearful for life. 

Mandela; I hear you been looking for me. And even if you confine my body behind these jail bars. My mind remains free; of the chains set in place to bound me & my black people.

Harriet; broke the chains around our mental thinking in Black History. And ran for her life to return back in slavery to set us free; to breathe in American History.

Angela Davis; I refuse to allow you to drag my body through the streets of  our bloody history. And even if you imprison my King. I will continue to speak as a free Black Queen. 


During this pandemic has really been a setback in more than 1 area of our lives. Its seems like  everything & time is out of whack. But still we must remember to smile & laugh. 

Before March the 16, 2020 our lives were filled with; joy, trials contentment, and more plans. Until life interrupted us without a single warning. 

Again another lesson has been learned. Pay closer attention to continue in planning for tomorrow. As if we were going to be around for that 2 to 5 year plan. And just incase some strange circumstances occur; be prepared for what life is about to expose of the time we no longer have. Of being our best friend are greatest enemy here on earth.

An analogy does not always have to be presented in a long winded sentence. Sometimes its the reality in life that relates back to the analogy. 

One day we said to one another goodnight; the next morning our entire world changed. 

Yesterday our plans were sought out; and today those plans required an adjustment.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...